Network manager

I'm currently running Mint Linux and having intermittent problems with VPN setup using the network manager.

Several of the preconfigured VPN setups have gone perfect. I get random server selections within my country of choice and I set my choice of DNS servers. A number of other preconfigured VPN's that I try to install give me unwanted DNS servers mixed in with the ones I have chosen. This is consistent when I start those specific VPN servers.

I've seen pictures of other network managers in other versions of Linux in the past that looked like it had far more configuration options than the one I have. I specifically remember pictures of being able to exclude specific DNS servers.

Can you folks recommend a distro with greater granularity in the network manager?

A "greater granularity in the network manager" compared to what network management software?

The stock GUI network manager that comes with the Mint distro.

I have seen pictures of a stock network manager with another distro that allowed greater control, like the exclusion of some DNS entries. I don't remember the distro name that had those improvements to the network manager.

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