Need to remove first and last character using sed


I have file in below format. How i can remove the first and lost comma from this below file


I need output has below


for first and last, try:

sed 's/^,//; s/,$//;' infile

for lost, not sure. maybe there is a lost and found section someplace.

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The sed command can take care of this for you:

$ cat test.txt
$ sed -i 's/^,//g;s/,$//g' test.txt
$ cat test.txt

The effect of this command is to substitute commas at the start of a line (represented by ^, ) with nothing, and to also substitute commas at the end of a line (represented by ,$ ) with nothing. So any commas at the start and end will be removed, with everything else being left untouched.

Note that it will only remove exactly what it matches - i.e. one single comma, so if there are multiple commas at the start or end of some lines in your file you'd need to tweak this. But if every line is of the exact same format, then this would do the job.

Hope this helps !

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Thanks it was working fine

POSIX shell, 'sh', compliant:-

Longhand using OSX 10.14.3, default bash terminal:

Last login: Tue Aug  6 15:56:39 on ttys000
AMIGA:amiga~> echo ',001E:001F,,,02EE,0FED:0FEF,' > /tmp/text
AMIGA:amiga~> text=$( cat /tmp/text )
AMIGA:amiga~> text=${text#?}; text=${text%?}
AMIGA:amiga~> echo "${text}"
AMIGA:amiga~> _

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R. Singh

On GNU bash, version 4.4.12

$ echo ${text:1:-1}