Need help fixing my Macbook pro

Hello, Good evening everyone.
I would need help fixing my Macbook pro, My mac all of a sudden starting showing some extreme pink lines covering nearly half of my screen as i type right now. I've watched several Youtube videos and tried all the techniques and it seems to get worse and won't go away.
And am certain i didn't keep any heavy load on it or miss used it in anyform.
Please i need anyone available who can help me with this issue, Thanks.

@lostplaces.eth ,
Welcome to the community!
Please don't hijack other people's threads - start your own in the appropriate forum.


Hello @vgersh99 I apologize if you feel i may have hijacked your thread, Well to be honest with you this actually my first public comment in this community, and not knowing how the community works. I feel if i may have commented on a newer post i would get a quick response to assist me with the trouble am facing with my Mac Operating system.

You will not get "a quick response to assist" breaking forum rules and hijacking topics", as you can see from the results of your "feeling" @lostplaces.eth :slight_smile:

Few are interested in your technical issue, as you can see. People care you hijacked a topic for your own purposes. That's how it works.

So, we moved your question / issue to it's own topic.

I guess your graphics card is broken.

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You have not given much information on what what model of macbook pro: the year and OS...
I am saying that because I burned twice a vintage 2011 15'' : first time replaced under "warranty" it was a known issue, of overheating and soldering melt and short-ciruited the board, but it happend again a year later... Now using a mid 2012...


@lostplaces.eth any change?

Not specific to macOS, or Apple hardware:

I had almost the same – more red than pink – a few days ago with someone's HP Omen notebook, which was initially brought to me with an unrelated software issue. No problem when it booted, from cold (after being left off for a few days).

Whilst I checked the file system, installed software updates and so on: symptoms appeared, then worsened significantly, initially I assumed an intermittent graphics card issue.

After a while I pressed very gently on the fascia directly below the visible part of the display, symptoms came and went (according to the presses). I discouraged the owner from pressing, encouraged him to move the display (on its hinges) as little as possible, and changed my assumption to a contact/cabling issue not involving a graphics card.

He was surprised, since the computer was reportedly almost new (words to that effect), I advised him to get a repair under warranty. By the time our conversations ended: symptoms were no longer apparent. I might have assumed that the issue was temporarily worked around through warming or heating of the display and nearby parts, although (if I recall correctly) the main air outlet (with two inlets on the underside for colossal fans) was sensibly positioned to not impact upon the display.

Apple hardware: years ago I encountered a handful of flat screen iMacs that suffered graphics hardware issues, some of them presented lines or patterns that were typical for this type of issue. These things happen.

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