Need free Linux / UNIX Terminal over Internet

I do not wish to install Unix or Linux locally be it on my system or my Virtual box.

I am looking for an online free Linux / Unix Terminal that i can connect and use.

Something like ... Unix Terminal Online

But the problem with Unix Terminal Online] is that i CANNOT ping it's ip which i got from more /etc/hosts .

What i wish is to export my Windows Display to that Free Terminal over Internet which is not possible unless I have a direct connection to any such free terminals.

Can you please help me with one ?

In my opinion you "get what you pay for" so better to pay a little and get a lot; for example, I often use LINODE.

Here is my referral link: LINODE

If you signup with my referral link, I'm make just about enough to by a beer for the holidays :slight_smile:

IMHO, if you are trying to learn how to use Linux there is no better way than to install your own Linux server. You can use Virtual Box on your pc to create a VM. Then you just need to pick a distribution. I like Ubuntu and Debian. But Centos is closer to Redhat and would be a good choice if you are learning Linux for a career.

Another possible option is to run a "live" distro... that is something that boots from DVD and runs...