Mysql command after a SSH connection (Script)

Hi all,

Im new at scripting and i need to run a few commands at work every hours so i decide to make a script but on 1 of the steps i have a the follwoing problem:

The command i do is this:

ssh root@asdasd001  'mysql -h A-db-1 -uroot -password --execute "show slave status"'

and when i run the script the error it appear is:

bash-3.00# ./test
sh: mysql: not found

Thanks in advance.

You need to set the environment with something like this, to get $PATH and other local supporting variables the shell and mysql app need:

ssh root@asdasd001  '. ./.profile ; mysql -h A-db-1 -uroot -password --execute "show slave status"'

(Does this really require the power of root? Using a sledge to set tacks eventually gives hurt fingers.)

Thanks for the fast response but the problme persistss :frowning:

Just for clearing out of the script i just do:

ssh asasasa
        and on the asasasa machine i just run the command
mysql -h A-db-1 -uroot -pass --execute "show slave status"

ssh asasasa '../.profile ; mysql -h A-db-1 -uroot -pass --execute "show slave status"'
bash-3.00# ./test
sh: ../.profile: not found
sh: mysql: not found

Just use the full PATH of mysql. That is what most of us do. When running commands from scripts, as a common best practice, always use the full path.