My post gone


I had a post on Friday with subject like "Notification from background".

Its not visible today. :confused:

Any ideas.


Oooops :cool:

Have you guys made any changes to the forum's code ? Certain buttons when editing are gone, colors changes, mark posts as read behaves differently, index page is different, new Bot Feed added, the performance is better however.

reborg, a new addition to the admin team, upgraded to vb 3.6.x and installed the vBadvanced plugin system. He also upgraded the server.

Please join me in welcoming reborg to the admin team!

Hi sysgate,

Can you elaborate on this item?

I have not looked at this much. I did notive that the editor is ajax enabled edits inline, but didn't notice the button changes.


My bad - the inital instance of editing is simple, but all of the functionalities are now at the "Go advanced" button, it's just I didn't notice.
Congratulations for the speed improvement.