Monitoring network traffic on wireless router

Hi all,

How can I monitor packet traffic on my wireless router?

Some info

  • my wireless router is netgear wgr614
  • everyone can connect it i.e. no password required
  • I would like to see where they connect, how they are using the internet connection

I installed wireshark and captured my laptop's wireless lan interface, however the only information I can track are my own traffic and messages like "who has 192.168.x.x".

I checked the router's log but it only gives information about the blocked web sites.

Do you have any idea, how I can monitor all the activities on my router?

My os is ubuntu 8.04 Hardy, btw.

thanks in advance

i am not sure, iftop may help you.

man iftop - display bandwidth usage on an interface by host / Outils d'administration syst�me

hi thegeek,

I think it is same with wireshark. I'm only able to see my activity.

Spying on other users (i.e. looking in their packets, as you have requested) is a form of hacking.

Closed thread.... sorry.