Member Reviews of the Movie: Avatar

Please comment and vote only if you saw the movie.

What did you think?

Ok, it seems no reviews yet, then I will go first.

I did watch that movie on the very first day itself not because its mother is James C or music is by James Horner - no big guesses it was just a team outing. Am not a movie freak and quite hesitant to watch movies, trust me or not I watched a movie after 2 full years :eek: ( no movies in the 2 full years gap - yeah I know am missing a lot of good stuff ) and it happen to be Avatar

And now to the review part, I didn't know the story or the sketch of it, only thing that I came to know was it was James C's dream movie for which the plot was sketched in 1994 itself, so I had 1000 times more expectation than the movie - Titanic. To me surprise, that wasn't fulfilled, its making me to rate 'OK' with respect to the great movies James C had given, on a general bar - it would be rated according to me as 'Above bar'

The movie is an awesome 'visual treat' - I mean it with the self illuminating synapses, plants, trees from the moon - Pandora. Above all what I liked the most in the movie was storyline - it was many many times more powerful than other movies ( I am not pointing at any movies, so no war please :slight_smile: ). Its not just always we fight with the aliens and win against them all :stuck_out_tongue: the time - the usual Hollywood movie style. But quite different and enticing that the genome bred humans ( DreamWalker ) fight against our own race to save the race of the people - who are leading a calm life in their own planet. Simply put the line is " evil is evil, where ever it might be, just clean it "

I would be doing a big mistake if am not saying or praising anything about the composition by James Horner. Absolutely fantastic, I have always been tied to his other composition for 2 things ... 1) It inspires you 2) His notes always go with the movie. I don't have to point at anything it was a wholesome treat, some tunes ( at the time of writing this review(?) :wink: ) is still running in my mind.

Its more of a creativity block buster, something if I have to translate - " for a child that is starting to see each and every thing in the world - its new, its new, absolutely new - it would be continuously amazed at creativity of the creator" that was my impression when I watched the movie - still can't come out of that - starting from birds, eyes of the bird, chopper, virtual reality, plant, herbs, horse, synapse, roots of the trees, mud, human structure, the big, the big 'Home Tree' and what not ... I can keep saying about that ...

I can watch the movie again, just to see whats there in it as a mark of creativity .. frankly its quite not possible to have a deep look of everything that's in a frame .. grab it as fast as you can :slight_smile: ...

Rest I don't have to say anything special about graphics, special effects, etc and etc they are splendid and implicit with the review and movie.

Am a big fan of the one liner humour ( one liner sed, one liner awk :wink: ) in any movies, here that has come out very well ...
( I need to take some samples ...,
now shut up and fly straight ....
nice meeting you, how are you doing? ... )
I just can't stop laughing at them ... simply splendid ..

I have spoken a lot about this movie now, time for you folks to watch now.
Enjoy the movie and post more here ! :slight_smile:

Avatar is a star ! :b:

Hey matrixmadhan!

I agree with your review.

Regarding the plot, I thought the "good versus evil thing" was too simplistic. The stereotyping of "corporate greed" and "the military mind" was almost childish, in my view. In addition, the scenes of the military space ships cruising into Pandora at seemingly 30 miles per hour were also quite crude.

I think a better plot would have been easy to create and the main shortcoming of the film was the almost childishly simple plot and crude stereotypes.

We need to think of some better plots for Pandora and the Avatars in this thread!

I would appreciate if folks would comment on the format they saw. I wear glasses and I'm not sure that I can use 3D cardboard glasses with them. And I would really prefer to see it at an IMAX theater, but I think that IMAX is 3D only.

I watched in 2D only.
I watched a day before the worldwide release on Dec 17, hence it was 2D only.
Am planning to watch in 3D again

I watched in 2D.... 3D was sold out!

Watched it in 3D yesterday, and I think it was extraordinary in terms of visual effects and music, but the plot and characters lacked depth, but that's more of a general Hollywood problem than specific to this movie.

The effects were... wow. Visually stunning and, IMO, well placed without taking too much attention except were they were the main focus (eg. the explosions), and kept as realistic as is possible in a science fiction / fantasy movie. Speaking of science fiction, the technology used by the humans does look more like science than fiction (except for the Avatar system). They/We're still relying on explosives and mechanics for most things.

The plot... well. It's pretty much standard Hollywood ("bad" guy gets guilty conscience, switches sides, gets the girl, a bit of "Romeo and Juliet" thrown in...). Don't expect too much of it, but it's done well enough to be an entertaining popcorn movie. The characters aren't really fleshed out and feel shallow. The viewer doesn't get any feeling for a characters motivations, which IMO is important at least for the mains (hero/villain).

And I've got a few personal issues, not necessarily limited to this movie:

  • What's with the shaky cam in current movies? IMO it doesn't add dynamics or anything to a scene if the viewer gets motion sick from the camera jumping around like a bouncy ball.
  • Same goes for slow motion scenes. If used correctly, they can add depth to a scene (see the short slow motion sequences used in the fight in "The Matrix"), but when draw out to a minute or more they get tedious, especially if used over and over again.
  • One thing that Avatar does better than most other movies is the shot length. Every shot that counted was long enough to see and understand the scene, instead of looking like the cutter had a nervous finger while on too much caffeine.

As for those with glasses: try to watch the movie in 3D. I've got them myself and had no problems with the plastics goggles handed out after I got them to sit right.

Watched it in 2D with my daughters. Did not know what to expect and I was really impressed. Much has happened since "Jurrasic Park". The story reminded me of "dancing with wolves" and the analogy with the native americans is very obvious, but this time the "good guys" won :slight_smile:
The scene in which he feels his feet in the dirt again was the best.

The plot is "Pocahontas ( by Disney )" , but the movie is superb.

I watched the movie in 3D. There were no goggles available, just a pair of glasses. Wearing both my glassess and the 3D glasses simultaneously was possible but very awkward. I expected trouble and had purchased some clip-ons of my own. There are several types of polarized glasses. I guessed that circular polarization was what I needed and got lucky. The 3D effects were awesome. Actually, all of the effects were awesome. Very predictable and thin plot though.

Both 2D and 3D were sold out the whole week. Will try again for 3D next week.

I am looking forward to watching it in 4D as well.

Nice they moved up to 4D! Only by Who? :confused:

Is 4D going two times the price of 2D? That would be $20.00 for one!

what dose popcorn look like in 4D?:smiley:

The effects were pretty good. Story line was 'so so'. I guess story lines for movies of this sort of genre are usually like that.

The exception to avatar was the movie "UP" by pixar animations. visually very good and story line excellent, funny yet touching at times. UP : Official Site

UP was a good movie. I usually find movies by Pixar to be very good.