Managing Users in a Global Environment


I am interested in your strategy for handling engineers Unix accounts when the engineers must log in to resources in a variety of locals in a global environment. The engineers home directory and normal environment is local to where the engineer is sitting. When they log in to a remote location access performance to their home directory, over the WAN, is poor. It is a Linux software development environment with large compiles (1-2 hours).

Do you use WAN acceleration?
Do you have multiple home directories and mess with auto-mount depending on where they log in?
What do you do and how do you manage it?


Hey Randal,

I worked with a company that used Silver Peak's NX WAN optimization appliances to address localization issues over the WAN. It'd be worth taking a look if you have a budget to address the issue.



Please note that you've replied to a thread that dates from 2007 here, so as much as this information may be helpful to some, I doubt that the OP is still looking for answers to this particular problem 15 years later :slight_smile: I'll lock this thread again for now.