Linux remote app on Windows

So I have been playing around with some code and thought I would tap
the vast Linux knowledge here.

My company has a bunch of servers running Linux on the Amazon cloud. I have
created a Windows application in C++ that acts like a remote desktop
to the Linux servers. When I run it it connects over ssh to a server
and displays a window that simulates the desktop of the server even
though there is no GUI running on it. Inside that window I can view
the file system like in Windows. I can drag files from my local
machine to the server or vice versa. I can double click on a text file
and it opens within a subwindow as a text editor. I can open a command
line anywhere quickly.

I can also store command as a menu item. For example on my server to
restart tomcat I would open the command line and type: "sudo
/etc/init.dtomcat6 restart". In my app I have a Shortcuts menu item
that allows me to store this so now all I do is select "Restart
Tomcat" from "Shortcuts" and it executes. You can create any commands
you want.

There is also a menu for shortcuts to documents. Instead of having to
type "vi /var/lib/tomcat6/log/tomcat.log" I just select "Tomcat log"
from the "Documents" menu and it opens in the built-in editor.

It effectively combines Notepad++ for editing text files, putty for
opening comand lines and WinSCP for uploading/moving/deleting files
and some other stuff. I am also working on a MySQL module so I can
manipulate the local db too.

I find this extremely useful as I like a more visual interface. Do you
think I could I make a product out of this? Is there something like
this already available?

Since getting the app into a shippable form would take a large amount
of work I am trying to see if anybody wants it BEFORE I code it all.
What a concept :slight_smile:

Thanks for any insights.

Sounds a bit like vnc, except I have not set it up to drag files, using a ssh/scp/sftp tool for that, which perhaps should be a secured transfer. Still, many a personal project has become a set of great additions to a pre-existant project. The vnc guys are doing a dual track free/pay thing, so maybe they will pay you. I go free, sometimes over an ssh tunnel.

You might Samba mount the systems to be PC drives or some part of your PC as a local dir. I suppose samba can work through an ssh tunnel or maybe has security of its own. I never drilld down there. Andrew can make all the machines into a tree, not only on the PC but, if you want, on each other! Again, I wonder if the NFS-ish apps have taken ssh to heart, never mind compression over the net.

Thanks DG. The difference with my solution is it doesn't require any GUI to be running on the server side. My app simulates a GUI by just communicating over SSH. I would think most servers are running without a GUI, no?

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