Lets give Neo a hand.


Just wanted to let you know that we all appricate the hardwork that you and your team put in to make this forum what it is. I have been a member since 05-23-2001 and i can honestly say this is one forum that is deffinetly a main stay and a true benifit to everyone that uses it.


I second that! I have been a member since 07-22-2002 and can honestly say that I use this board over most anything else. In fact, these forums are apart of my daily reading in the morning.

Whenever I encounter an issue or want to know something, I first check the unix board, then my OReilly collection. These forums provide an outstanding collection of thoughts, ideas, and most importantly a huge knowledge base for all to share. Your team does an outstanding job. Thank you for all of your time, effort, hard work, and for keeping this site free.

We have (so far) been successful at keeping UNIX.COM open to the world community as a free, non-commerical site.

The growing success of the forums are because of the excellent community of users.

Hats off to those who spend their time to help others help themselves, and to create a growing, searchable knowledge base.


To neo and the guys keep up the good work :slight_smile: its a good way to meet people and help people . you guys rock .......


Technically been here since '00, and the place never ceases getting better and expanding :slight_smile: