Learning k8s with dashboard for cheap? Low-end laptop

I want to learn persistent volume claim etc in docker and kubernetes. However, my machine is stupid(low-end). I want to learn this but I don't have much money at present. Can anyone tell me how do I learn this concept? My final goal is to be able to know where to mount what (i.e the mapping between storage on disk to storage on pod/container)..I'm really confused between various types like bind mount and so on. I want a powerful machine so that I can do it gui way via dashboard, however my machine is really low-end.

Just get a cheap virtual server on the net!

You are not doing yourself any favors trying to learn modern concepts on subpar hardware.

You can easily get a virtual server for under $10 for a single month, learn all you wish, and end the service.

This method is also more "real world" since most people, including yours truelyh, use these types of virtual servers for their small network-based projects which they need to spin-up and then later tear-down; or expand if they decide to do more on the same host.


What sort of server specs can I get for 10$/mo? RAM, CPU,SSD etc? Do you recommend hetzner or digitalocean. They didn't come that cheap last time I checked. Plus I need multiple machines for clustering. Where are you located if I may ask(country only).

It matters not where someone is located and is totally irrelevant to the question of learning Kubernets, unless of course you live in a country where you cannot use the Internet or SSH, etc.

I do not recommend any company. You can easily Google yourself and find more recommendations that one could count easily. It's up to use to use the virtual server which works for you.

You originally said:

You said above you need one machine to learn.

Now, you are posting something completely different:

I'm going to close this topic because you @Ihattaren are not posting coherently.

First, you say you want to learn on a single"powerful machine" and you want to use a local GUI. Then, after I suggest correctly you should use a virtual server you ask me an irrelevant question of "what country are you in" and tell us you want to build a cluster.

Sorry, but you are going to need to think a bit more before posting here, simple questions, that you can easily Google yourself and not take our time Google'ing for you.

When you post questions here, think about what you are doing before posting and try not to ask irrelevant questions or ask for specific virtual server company recommendations.

Please post after you have have done some of your own research / homework. We are not professional "Googlers" here and so why ask us questions which Google homework or a ChatGPT query can easily answer.