Internet Explorer is infected - small windows keep popping up


I have an annoying problem on my Internet Explorer. When I open that browser, after some time advertisement windows just pop up, even if I am not browsing anything, or when the browser is running at the background. That is, the pop-ups don't come from the websites I visit, rather, I realize that my Internet Explorer is infected by viruses..

Is there a way to fix this problem? It's really very annoying sometimes, makes me tired of killing those small windows..

Thanks in advance

You never mentioned which OS you are on. WinXP SP2 has a popup blocker for IE. See Block Pop-up Windows with Internet Explorer

Try upgrading. If it not an option, then try using Firefox. They have a popup blocking feature in them. If that aint an option, then try some freeware popup blocker software. I am not sure how good they are.

i am running Windows server 2003. this is not a regular pop up i am sure, there is a virus in my computer that the pop ups come from my computer not from the pages I visit. Even if I don't visit a site, these windows still pop up..

If you are sure its a virus, then run an anti-virus tool.

It could be some spyware. Check out Windows Defender

Use Mozilla ref spec browser, more secure, better functionality, i.e. stinks.

Firefox is nice.

try spybot and will do good job of cleaning the adware

thanks a lot, your suggestion solved my problem..

Glad it solved it, I frequently deal with problems no spyware cleaner product will recognize... if you get one of those, you can try HijackThis, software capable of detecting and removing things that use various hijack methods rather than being hardcoded for various hijackers. It can remove legit software too so be careful where you aim it.

IE doesn't stink. :frowning:

Check it out: Firefox Myth

Internet Explorer itself is the virus you mean.....

There are lots of other Browsers which are much better....

Regarding the point of Web-Browsing Microsoft really is old-fashioned!

Internet Explorer has too many secure holes and even doesn't support tabbed browsing...

Try Firefox or Opera and ban Internet Explorer (or directly Microsoft) of your hard disk and your virus-problem will be fixed!



I need help...

I was trying to fix my friend's laptop. the problem with the laptop was that the windows was starting up slowly compared to the earlier.

I thought about the above "Windows Defender".. I downloaded and installed it on the laptop. I made a scan on the laptop. It found one malicious thing (file I guess).. I clicked on the "remove it" button, then restarted the laptop.

But this time the windows did not start up at all. what it does is, that I log in to one of the user's account and that's it. the account is not loading completely, it just freezes, doesn't let me do anything. the icons in the taskbar (bottom right corner of the screen, right next to time) do not even show up, and it just freezes.

When I open the task manager it shows only one application, which is called "Maximizer startup" and its status is "not responding"...

what is going on? help... :frowning:

Sometimes antivirus software is installed to scan you hard drive etc at startup. Often, this causes a machine to lock up. When you installed the A/V software, I may have installed itself (or asked you and you said yes) to scan at boot time.

I don't recommend this, as I have seen many Windows boxes lock up when they have viral problems and the machine boots with A/V software.

thanks for your prompt reply neo.

It looks like the windows is now working again, but the start up is still slow. so, do you have a suggestion in order to speed up the windows startup? (or should I open a new thread for that?)

There are many reports that show Firefox having more security vulnerabilities than IE. Some of the "religous posts" about browers in this thread are simply wrong.

Here is a link to a blog post that show a graphic of both Firefox and IE critical vulnerabilities in 2006. You can see that Firefox's critical vulnerabilities was almost twice that of IE!

I agree with Neo,

I don't like the look and feel of IE but that is just a personal thing so I generally use a different browser. People tend to lump all of the Windows security issues and IE security issues in together which is not an equal comparison. Most metrics will point you towards Opera if you want a secure browser, but not to "any non-microsoft browser".

its adware it will allow these pop ups to keep coming i reccomend getting an antivirus and removing the adware

I agree Firefox is much better. With that said the issue with IE ad pop ups has to be due to something else. I use Firefox and I just started getting these IE pop ups yesterday. Not sure why when I'm not even using IE. Anybody know why? I have Norton 360 and I have run all tests I can and everything is fine.

If you have a suspicion that your IE has been compromised by adware there are many products to help you clean this rubbish software from your computer. For Windows XP I'd first try Ad-Aware from Lavasoft.

Ad-Aware @ Lavasoft - The Original Anti-Spyware Company
First choose English as the language.

For those who wonder, first look at:
Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET for Ad-Aware and look at the number of downloads.
Of those Adware removers which work without going down to the raw O/S (for those serious rootkit infections) IMHO this is a good one.

Btw. If you are a commercial company, please do pay for the software. It helps all of us beat this malware.