I'm writing a new Linux program!

Yep, that's right.

I'm writing a Linux binary that requires an X11 Server. It will also be released in a Shell, Win32, and Cocoa (Mac OS X).

It's a program that's a text editor and more. It not just creates TXT and RTF files, it also can save in XML, RSS, and a whole lot of other formats.

It's hasn't been written yet, but I will tell you when.

The program name is called KewlWrite, since it is a GNU General Public Licensed program released by my mother's site, IBKewl.

Whatdya think?

I hate to "rain on your parade", but....

There are 1000's of text editors already available. (Just ask Google), so why reinvent the wheel and create yet another? What will make yours so special that it will differentiate it from the rest? There are some damn fine GUI-based editors out there (Kate, NEdit, gvim) already.

And no-matter what new-fangled ideas come along, you'll still find me in vi anyways! :wink:

And another thing - I'd drop the "kewl" from the name.... That word always reminds me of script kiddies.

Sorry to be a git.

yeah but then itd match the KDE naming scheme of K'ing every thing.

go for it man, writing your own programs are for your own enjoyment. release it to sourceforge, freshmeat and other people will use it. theres always someone that will use it. its also nice to use a program that you have written your self. its a nice feeling.

Zazzybob, "Kewl" is in there for a reason.

Obviously, the K is for KDE, on which it will one.

The E is for education, since this is aimed for young students at schools.

The WL is actually an abbreviation of my favorite city, Wellington, New Zealand. Sadly, I haven't been there, but since LotR was mostly filmed in NZ and mostly everything went on in Wellington, it's my favorite city.

And norsk, I submitted it to SourceForge.net, and they accepted. I will release the program and source files sooner or later.

I would never discourage anyone from developing their creative talents, Zazzybob.

Maybe the poster will create something great. They certainly will not create much if people are discouraging them.

I know my post seems "negative", but I certainly would never discourage anybody from producing quality, unique programs.

All I was really asking is what will make this program unique, so that it will stand out from the crowd and become popular?

If you're creating something useful, dynamic and original then go for it.

Sorry if I sounded bad before....

And the comment about "kewl" is just a personal thing - you're free to name it what you want - it's your program.

Cheers, and apologies again


the point is, write it for your own benefit and enjoyment, but let others be able to get it too. there are so many people out there, even though there are so many text editors already, yours may suite someone in ways that other editors dont.

I agree it's good to write your own stuff. I've done a few install scripts with my old work. I only created them to make my work easy :smiley: and well now they are used all teh time to install new software on their clients UNIX machines :slight_smile: I got little credit though :mad:

Still though I'm not in it for teh credit and stuff. It was a good learning experience for me. I learnt a fair bit from it.

Now I want to create a little project that will scan a IP (or range) and tell you what ports are open, what O/S it's running and maybe even the packages installed on the O/S. Yeah sure there are things out there that can do what I want though I want to create MINE :stuck_out_tongue:

Also it's good to learn from. Yeah reading is good though you really need to play with something to know it. Best way to learn is to do it.

Best of luck with it :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with all points made here....


It was never my intention to release this program, and it was the header to a post requesting help with a little bit of C lore (which Driver fixed up for me! :wink: ). This was purely an exercise to learn more about the C language. I agree that there is one ls program too many (and that's called "d" - it's a GNU command) already and I wouldn't inflict suffering on the *nix world by releasing another! :smiley:

I think the main thing is the point about waiting until some viable code is available before making an announcement.

Anyways, I will say good luck and I sincerely hope that 1) it helps your knowledge of programming improve, and 2) you release a successful project.


I have started writing the source code, so there is source.

Just because there are many text editors doesn't mean that I should "re-invent the wheel."


I have a question to ask a few people.

Should the program run on an X11 server (like Ted, the Linux RTF editor), or should it be a program that can run on KDE (like Konqueror)?

It's possible, but there are a few things though:

[]You will have to specify an extension, and even if you want to save the document in RTF, it will still be encoded in a TXT format.
]Such tools like the horizontal and vertical rulers, directory browser, XML and RSS error views, document trees, etc., haven't been added yet.
[*]Right now, it is just a simple lightweight program. KewlWrite is supposed to be like an office suite.
Data can still be saved, however.

I will not release any of the source code until I have enough features added.

At various times in the past, I have written, and used on a
daily basis, my own text editor, shell, and mail system. None
of them were released to the public, but writing them taught
me an immense amount about Unix & C, and programming in
general. (The text editor is long gone, I wrote two shells,
(the second one was very good) then switched to bash with
my own modifications, then finally to just stock bash, and
I still use my own mail system.)
Go for it.