ILOM to unix host

Hello- On Solaris 10g x86 - I had two IP addresses , one for unix host (connecting through putty) and one for ILOM (connecting through CLI and web). I had to perform some changes in FS sizes etc, did that on unix host and executed command 'init 6' remotely for them to take place. But, the unix host shows error when I try to connect it using putty as 'connection timed out' - I still have access to ilo (web - redirection and cli), do you know IF something could be done remotely so that unix host could be back?

thank you

goto lom and change to console session... fix your network and you are done!

go to lom -> You mean go to ILOM cli prompt?
Change the console session -> means?
fix your network -> How?

Please advice!

The default prompt I get after logging into ILOM is :

login as: admin
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.

Sun(TM) Integrated Lights Out Manager

Version 1.1.8

Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.


What next?

Type 'console'

Either wait a few moments for an error or hit enter a couple of times. If it's a network error, just log in and make the correction.

To return to the ILOM prompt, hit #. and you'll be back.


The iLOM doesn't respond to just a console command.
To start the console:

-> start /SP/console

Please see the output... I have still no success in connecting to unix host.

login as: admin
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.

Sun(TM) Integrated Lights Out Manager

Version 1.1.8

Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

-> console
Invalid command 'console' - type help for a list of commands.

-> #.
Invalid command '#.' - type help for a list of commands.

-> start /SP/console
Are you sure you want to start /SP/console (y/n)? y

Serial console started. To stop, type ESC (

My guess is that you probably want to power on the host to be able to connect to it.

Return to the ilom and type

start /SYS

This is all in the ILOM documentation.

Nothing works as you can see in my post... all this is done!

i missed the x86 part... :o

Tks soulman ... as you can up in post... all that isnt working... after trying to start console - it just shows nothing!!!

Am I still very unclear :frowning: ?
Please help!

SPARC or x86, iLOM is iLOM.

Let me ask you, after you got this message:

Serial console started. To stop, type ESC (

What did you do?

not if i belive the posts of the others people... but i don't know the x86 sun systems. but i think this will come in my new job :wink:

Serial console started. To stop, type ESC (

Nothing comes after this - I just have to wait and keep staring the screen :frowning:

So you just got that message and didn't hit any key? How about hitting the enter key a couple times after that message?

Anybody know with ILOM i can mount the remote ISO Image to CDROM ? ))

no but solaris can do that --> "man lofiadm". but i think you want to boot from the image? that is not posible (afaik)... but you can use the jumpstart functionality to boot the mashine from a remote bootserver! maybe tell us wht you like to do...

I'm whanna next fantasy

> mount SYS/DVD
> start SYS
> start SP/console
{} ok boot cdrom


ok i'm try now run jump start