OK, so I just messed myself up. Thinking the /var/opt/ignite/data/INDEX files
was static, I manually edited the file and added 2 more OS's to it. During an Install it only showed the first OS (started with 11.31, 3 versions then added a 11.23, and a 11.11 stanza's).
The 11.23 and 11.11 never showed up as a install option (now I know why). Then I copied the INDEX file to another location then edited the file, now the Install shows INDEX file as being empty, OOPS.
How do I re-create the File with all the depots? Everything is default locations,except the /ignite/depots
home. The on disk depots are under /ignite/depots
(the swcopied images). The /var/opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.11.31
directory is empty.
The config.local is under /var/opt/ignite/data