I cannot do anything


i think my account has been disabled(locked ) to send messages i would to kow how can i open it

Yes, your account was banned - see this post

You might want to read the rules of these FORUMS. See Simple rules of the UNIX FORUMS

The UNIX Forums are different than many other communities on the Internet. We have a simple set of rules (acceptable use policies) and expect posters to read these rules and adhere to them.

Message Alex20, the rules are clear and our moderators do a great job to insure that the rules are applied fairly to everyone. There are many forums and communities on the Internet and you may find one that has a set of rules, or guidelines, or lack of rules or guidelines, which match your style of posting.

Bumping up posts here, as you have done, is strictly against the rules. I am sorry you have chosen to violate this rule. However, you can freely understand that the choice to violate the rule after reading it, or not to read the rules before posting, was your choice.