How to put a 80 character limit on a long topic line in markdown?

I have a topic line in markdown that spans more than 80 characters that i need to add a line break. Markdown is simply treating the line break as a brand new line instead of continuing as a topic line.

# This is a very long

Markdown interprets it as

This is a very long

What operating system are you using?

What shell are you using?

What does the documentation for markdown say the format is for a topic line. If we assume that a topic line is indeed a line, what makes you think that you can convince markdown that a topic line is split across two lines?

Writing this one up for a gitlab project wiki page.
Documentation is sparse on this topic GitLab Markdown | GitLab.
But based on how you questioned, i am guessing it is not possible to split a header line and for this one i may to live with not wrapping the line as needed per the coding guidelines of the project.

I think it makes a difference to inform us what platform you are using markdown :

Installation from source

One approach would be to examine the source code and then decide how to proceed.

Edit: The source above is for Git , not specific to markdown (probably not relevant)

Also, from the GitLabs Markdown page:


If this is not rendered correctly
