How to Play Chess in Facebook Messenger

Have you ever wondered to play chess while you chat with your friends?

Facebook has made this possible. FB keeps coming up with more and more new ideas for its users but this time it is a more intellectual one. Facebook has built a build-in-functionality in Facebook messenger, in which you just need to enter one key command to enjoy the game with your friends. It just takes one simple step to unlock the hidden chess game �

All you need to do is: type �@fbchess play� into the chat window and hit Enter. A small square would appear in the chat window. FB Chess is currently available for both mobile and web platforms, eliminating the need to download it separately.

How to play FB chess � It�s a more laborious way of playing online chess than many of us might be accustomed to, the commands are somewhat intuitive. Once the game has started, players use traditional chess notation to move each piece. There are some designated algebraic notations for the game -

  • B for �Bishop�
  • R for �Rook�
  • Q for �Queen�
  • K for �King�
  • N for �Knight�
  • P for �Pawn�

Here are some most useful commands -

Make a move: use Standard Algebraic Notation

  • @fbchess help to show help file
  • @fbchess play white to start a new game playing white
    @fbchess e4 or @fbchess Pe4 moves pawn to e4
  • Nbd2 to move knight from b-file to d2
  • B2xc5 to take on c5 with 2nd rank bishop
  • e8=Q to promote pawn to queen
  • 0-0-0 or O-O to castle
  • Claim draw (e.g. 3-fold repetition): @fbchess draw claim
  • Offer a draw in the current position: @fbchess draw offer
  • Offer an undo of the last move: @fbchess undo
  • Resign: @fbchess resign

For any help during the game from FB: @fbchess help

FB chess allows you to have a conversation during the game with your friends, and then resume the game by issuing the game commands. So now you can sharpen your brain while having chat with your FB friends.

I just found out about this today... I had no idea people could play chess inside FB messenger before today.