How to change ODBC Driver Manager?

Hi Forum.

I have been searching this information for a while but to no avail.

I'm running the following command odbcinst -j on a Linux box and get the following:

unixODBC 2.3.0
DRIVERS............: //opt/Progress/DataDirect/Connect64_for_ODBC_71/odbcinst.ini
USER DATA SOURCES..: /opt/Progress/DataDirect/Connect64_for_ODBC_71/odbc.ini
SQLULEN Size.......: 8
SQLLEN Size........: 8

It seems that the OS wants to use the unixODBC Driver Manager and I want to be able to change it to a different Driver Manager.

What environment variable that I need to set to use something different? For example a DataDirect ODBC Driver Manager.


To install the ODBC driver, you can manually create ODBC .ini files or add to the existing .ini file for the ODBC driver manager you are using. Use the following procedure:
Download and unzip the ODBC driver manager .tar.gz file from the Pivotal GemFire XD product page. For example:
tar -zxvf Pivotal_GemFireXD_XX_bNNNNN_ODBC.tar.gz -C path_to_install_location
where path_to_install_location is an already existing directory.
Download and install the ODBC driver manager you wish to use. See ODBC Driver Supported Configurations for a list of supported platform architectures and driver managers.
Create or modify your odbcinst.ini file to point to the path of the ODBC driver shared library. Use the following values depending on your driver configuration:
unixODBC driver manager:
32-bit: path_to_install_location/odbc/32/
64-bit: path_to_install_location/odbc/64/
iODBC driver manager:
32-bit: path_to_install_location/odbc/32/
64-bit: path_to_install_location/odbc/64/
The following is a sample odbcinst.ini file for the unixODBC driver manager:
Trace = yes
TraceFile = dmtrace.log

[ODBC Drivers]
SQLFODBC = Installed

Driver = /usr/lib/gphd/gfxd/odbc/64/
Description = Driver for connecting to GemFire XD database server
Create or modify your odbc.ini file to identify the GemFire XD data source name (DSN).
The following is a sample odbc.ini file for the unixODBC driver manager:
[ODBC Data Sources]
data_source_name = testdsn

Driver = /usr/lib/gphd/gfxd/odbc/64/
SERVER = localhost
PORT = 1527
LogFile = gfxdodbc.log
Finally set the ODBCINI and ODBCSYSINI environment variables to the file location where odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files for your driver manager are located. If you are using the iODBC driver manager, also set the ODBCINSTINI environment variable to the location of your odbcinst.ini file. For example:
export ODBCINI=/home/user/odbc.ini
export ODBCINSTINI=/home/user/odbcinst.ini
export ODBCSYSINI=/home/user/odbcinst.ini
If installing on Mac OSX, set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to the location where you installed the driver files.
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=path_to_install_location

Ethan Stark
Software Developer
Cloud Hosted Virtual Desktop

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