How to access WINDOWS drives from RED HAT 9???

Hello ,
I am using Red hat 9. I want to access the windows drives from my Linux.
Can you please tell me the commands to mount those drives. Till now I am rebooting into windows, copying files into a pen drive and then again coming back to Red hat.
help me please

what filesystem do you use for your windows installation?

according to one of the forums I used :-
$fdisk /dev/hda

But it says :- "cannot open".

When I went through the forders and double clicked, it says:-

" NAUTILUS has no installed viewer capable of displaying /dev/hda".

I have Windows using NTFS. I came to know that Red hat can do with Win32. Is there any way we can mount "NTFS files" toooooooooooooo

Check out SAMBA:

Samba - opening windows to a wider world

if you read the first post more closely, you will see that samba won't work :wink:

post the output of "fdisk -l".

Your are right! The English was a bit hard to understand, but I see now there is only one machine :rolleyes: I head to read it a few times :smiley:

red hat 9 is to old.
for ntfs you need ntfs-3g, but is not available with rh9 and the kernel it came with
you alse need fuse,

why rh9? cant you use fedora? or other distro not 8 years old as rh9 ?