How do I change the user's expiry date in SCO Unix?

Hello. I am currently using SCO OpenServer Release 5. The user's date has expired and because of this, when I try to log in as user it logs back out immediately. How can I change the expiry date of the user so I can stay logged in?

Hi @ghostcavalry

Welcome to our site.

Some questions:

  1. Do you have physical access to the server?

  2. Do you have root (superuser) access to the server?

Thank you.

Yes, I have physical access and I have access to root in the server.

In that case you should be able to start the user friendly admin shell by one of these commands:

Older SCO systems:

# sysadmsh

Later SCO systems:

# scoadmin

AFAIR, not too difficult to find your way around and will allow you to do almost all admin tasks.

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