Hey onecame
Of course it is not recommended to bypass email activation for many reasons (anti-spam, anti-fraud, etc.) and my guest is that 99.999% of forums would never do this. However, if you really want to do this, of course their are many ways to do this; however, you will need write a plugin, without support from the Discourse meta team, to make it work properly.
One way to get started, if you really want to go this direction (and totally unsupported by meta) is to change the default values in the DB for these two fields, as illustrated in this sample Rails migration:
class ChangeDefaultValuesToOverrideEmailActivations < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
change_column_default :users, :active, true
change_column_default :email_tokens, :confirmed, true
def down
change_column_default :users, :active, false
change_column_default :email_tokens, :confirmed, false
This will work (basically) because I have tested it (briefly, but not fully since I'm not ever going to do this on any forum!). However, I was curious how this validation process works after reading many people on Discourse meta asking this same question and feeling frustrated not getting any technical reply.
In a nutshell, as a courtesy to onecame over at Discourse meta:
It you want to run a forum with unmanageable spam and never ending bot logins, etc. that is your choice (not ours), I guess.... but you are own your own and so kindly please do not post back about how to manage all the spam (and misery) you will get!
But as a holiday season courtesy to you, I am providing this "clue" to you so you can do this if you absolutely want to do it.
Hope this helps.