Help with DES decrypt


I'm going crazy with one exercise I can't figure out. I'm doing a free course so I can't contact a professor :slightly_frowning_face:

The task goes: Decrypt this DES hash (XXXXXX) and comes with this clues: Password might have numbers and lower case. Lenght between 9 and 13 characters.

I'm completely stuck, I made all the rest but that one is killing me. I tried with hashcat but I failed miserably.

Hope anyone can help me!

Thanks for your time!!

@paulitorres , welcome.

As a general rule we do not get involved in attempts to assist wrt security related requests such as this.
However, you say this is a free course, if you send the course url and we can take a look and will determine if assistance (if any) could be given.

The OP's question sounds strange.

DES is a standard for a symmetric key algorithm

A cryptographic hash is a one-way function which cannot be "decrypted"

In other words, there are no DES cryptography to create "one way" hashes (that I know of) because DES is a symmetric key standard.

The original question is "strange".

This is not completely correct but I get your point that we are not here to help people break passwords.

Before going there it would be good to get a "factually correct" question.

It sounds like the original question is flawed / misstated.

hence ...

if you send the course url and we can take a look and will determine if assistance (if any) could be given

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You didn't need to treat me like that Neo, I tried to explain the link is useless without my password but here goes: conectaempleo-formacion (dot) fundaciontelefonica (dot) com. The forum doesn't let me post links beacause I'm a new user.
It's obvious I suck at this, that's all. I can't imagine a person trying to hack a password being as idiot as me, I can not believe anyone can think that :frowning:

Hi Neo!! Thanks for your time. I posted a reply to munkeHoller but I meant it for you both. Reading your reply I started to believe it was a tricky question for me to explain what you told me but, in recorded classes, the professor said we could use Hashcat or John The Ripper to fulfill the assignment. I'm more lost than before now :frowning: I will rewatch the class to be sure. Thanks again for being kind to this newbie! :slight_smile:


You were asked by a moderator to post a link to the class.

However, instead of providing that info, you posted a lot of rambling.

Since you will not provide the info our team requested then I am going to close this tooic.