Google Error: This site may harm your computer.

Anyone else seeing this error on every search result on Google today:

This site may harm your computer.

Which links to this page:

Malware Warning

Which says:

confirming, it appears for every site for me.

Same here.

Hard to believe Google could make such an error.

For the historic record, please post screenshots of the search page and the Google malware warning page.


Seems the Google error is clearing now.

Attached is a screenshot, for the record.

Seems Google is fixing the error. They have blocked access to the old warning link as well:

I should have taken more screenshots when I first saw the error :smiley:

A link discussing the issue: Google taking security a little too seriously? | Speeds and feeds - CNET News

For about 20 - 30 minutes, Google lost a lot of money in Adsense revenue because of that error, because referral sites via search were not easily accessed and therefore click revenue for ad publishers would be down. Multiple that times the entire Internet, we are talking about a lot of money.

Here is Google's reply:

Official Google Blog: "This site may harm your computer" on every search result?!?!

I also saw that error message while trying to access a Sun Microsystems site from Google search results page. I noticed a lot of sites were flagged but not sure whether it flagged all of them. Needed to manually edit the URL to get to the site eventually. I didn't thought it was error at that time but occasionally I noticed sites being labelled as harmful but couldn't really figure out why.

So, Google told us that visiting any site other than Google may harm our computer. I also noticed a prominent legal page in Time this week pursuant to the Google Books settlement for copyright infringement. What happened to Google these days?

It was just an operational fat finger error where a Google employee entered the "/" URL as a malware site, basically declaring the entire Internet as malware.

Amazingly funny and scarry at the time....

Makes me laugh to think about, really a dumb operational error.