Good site for Shell Programming

Hi unixers, :slight_smile:
I found some Good sites for learning Shell Programming.
I Hope they will be useful to all of You.

similarly ,if u find any very good sites for shell programming pls post them,
so that they will be useful to others .
Its just like Knowledge sharing. :slight_smile:
cheers :slight_smile:

Sounds like a worthy cause :slight_smile:

Good one for starting out. Actually shows you how to write some useful scripts because let's be honest, how many programs do you see that print "Hello World" ? None that I'm aware of :wink:\_shell_scripts.php

This place is a pretty good forum.... :cool:

Couple of useful sites for command references and descriptions...

There are lots more out there which you can just search google for. I know O'Reilly's had a really good Unix reference card in PDF format but I can't find it anymore. Maybe someone can help me out and post a link for it :slight_smile:

Hi ravi can i know good unix books which had lot of programs to work around:)

Perhaps you should be putting these in the new link directory?

Hi Vishnu...

Try this UNIX For Dummies, 5th Edition (Wiley, 2004)

and this

Unix� Shell Programming, Third Edition
By Stephen G. Kochan, Patrick Wood

and maybe this

Unix� Systems Programming: Communication, Concurrency, and Threads
By Kay A. Robbins, Steven Robbins

Also, there are tons and tons of free sources you can out there. Try googling for .chm and .pdf formats so that you can also save a copy for future references :wink:

Hi Ravi,

what counts in shell scripting is not only HowTo, but HowItWorks.
You can download hundreds of shell scripts , examples from the net.

The issue is, some one-liner get very very complicated to understand, how they work for beginners like me.

The same with writing Makefile to compile .c code.
A lot of good examples of .c code on the net and no idea how to write working Makefile code.

And finally.
Thanks to Google , you can check on yourself, the same basic questions are asked over and over again, get answered and bounce back on one another web forum.

I am involved in global learning technologies and what counts today is turbo education, computer assisted learning in interactive mode.

Asking basic question at another web forum I get 1 answer to 5 questions asked.

What I am looking for is shell script parser, generating HowItWorks output in readable form from any one-liner on input.

As the same questions to alike problem are asked each year at hundreds of forums, web forums, usenet groups, google groups
I would like to link examples to on-line HowTo HowItWorks Primer Tutorial/s

Good example is Gnuplot
Demo scripts for gnuplot version 4.2

One-page full of Gnuplot examples.
Swinging between examples and example modifications HowTo to meet your needs is exactly what I am looking for.


Yes, we would like to see suggested links in the link directory, instead of directly in the forums, that way we can better manage links (when they expire or change).

Ideally, we would post links to the internal link directory, and not to the external link itself, for a number of reasons:

  • We can add tags to links and also search for them.
  • We can easily update the directory versus trying to update posts when links change.
  • We can organize the links in a way that contributes to the knowledge base.

I think there are even more reasons, but you get the idea!