Giving password reset access to non-root user, in LDAP


We have two LDAP servers. Whenever we get a ticket to reset the password, we login to LDAP primary server and reset the password. For below example, I logged into primary LDAP server and resetting password to john to Welcome123#
We are giving this work to tier-1 team, so that they can reset these password themself. But I don't want them to have full access or if possible, not able to see the password of Manager, as it is shown in plain text here. It is achievable ?
If no, we can live with it. But don't want to have them root access. This command will run by root, so probably I can give sudo access to their team for "/export/home/ldap/OpenDS-2.2.1/bin/ldappasswordmodify" ?

[root@ldap-serv1 ~]# /export/home/ldap/OpenDS-2.2.1/bin/ldappasswordmodify -h localhost -p 1636 -Z -X -a 'uid=john,ou=People,dc=abc,dc=com' -n Welcome123# -D 'cn=Manager' -w hdfrevfd87663FreY
The LDAP password modify operation was successful
[root@ldap-serv1 ~]#


You can build a wrapper to permit people to reset user passwords without any need to expose underlying credentials.

There are myriad ways to do this and these kind of "wrapper apps" are very common, often written in conjunction with additional custom security and logging.

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