Function not working

Can someone tell me why this function isn't working?

int makedirectory()
        char *home_dir = getenv("HOME");
        mkdir("home_dir/.igterm", 0700);

Thank you.

And yes, I realize that the home_dir/.igterm cannot be read as a path statement.. I just know of no other way of passing it on as one. I've searched the web.. no luck.

How would one accomplish this? To create a directory off of the $HOME variable. Or some other way of passing this information, in whatever form to create such a directory.

Thank you.

Hi @ignatius,

here are some of several ways to do this:

/* C */
char path[256];
sprintf(path, "%s/.igterm", getenv("HOME"));
/* or without path var */
chdir(getenv("HOME")) && mkdir(".igterm");
// C++
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string path = string(getenv("HOME")) + "/.igterm";
// or without path var
mkdir((string(getenv("HOME")) + "/.igterm").c_str());

Note that all these methods cannot create a tree like ~/foo/bar/buzz, they only can create a folder inside an existing folder.

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Looks like you are creating a directory named with the literal string "home_dir/.igterm", not the contents of the home_dir variable and the string constant "/.igterm". Try e.g. the strcat() function but make sure enough memory is allocated for the resutant string..

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Awesome. Thank you, sir.

While this forum is open, i'd like to ask another question.. I've used part of the code given for this.. It doesn't seem to work, either.

chdir(getenv("HOME")) && system("echo\ \(renegade\) >> .igterm/hosts.txt");
chdir(getenv("HOME")) && system("echo >> .igterm/hosts2.txt");
chdir(getenv("HOME")) && system("echo 24 >> .igterm/hosts3.txt");

What is wrong with this code?

Thank you much.

Nevermind. I seem to have solved it. Apparently it doesn't like being coupled with &&'s

Hi @ignatius,

I've written too much shell code lately, sorry.

a && b means only if a succeeded, then do b. Almost all of the C/C++ library functions like chdir() and mkdir() return an integer status code (aka return or exit code). Here 0 has the meaning of success, but the (boolean) value false, which was my mistake . != 0 means error (boolean value true), and since this can take any values, you can also use it to report different types of errors like -1 = file not found, -2 = no free disk space etc. Also a simple condition like if (a > b) yields a kind of exit code, namely exactly 0/false or 1/true, but this has the opposite meaning of the above. This is a bit confusing.

Instead of changing the working dir three times, you should only do this only once:

if (chdir(getenv("HOME")) == 0) {

Also, writing to a file with system() is not a good idea. This creates a sub-process (here: calling the shell) over which your program has no control, but nevertheless it gets the exit code of the system() call.
There are separate routines for file I/O, e.g.:

/* C: append to file. if it doesn't exist, create it */
#include <stdio.h>
FILE *fp = fopen("outfile", "a");
fputs("foo", fp); /* no newline */
// C++: append to file. if it doesn't exist, create it
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
fstream ofile("outfile", ios::app);
ofile << "bar" << endl; // newline
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Ok. rewrote the code as you suggested. All is working well. Thank you again, sir.

Ok. Another question.. I'm running a program like this:

TERM=pcansi-25 cp437 ./myprogram

My question is, can I include this in the program source code, and have it execute within the code? I've tried putenv(), setenv() all of which don't seem to work.

Thank you.

cp437 is a program to display a program with ANSI graphics. myprogram isn't reliant on this.

Please open another topic for asking another, different question.
