Forum Coffee Shop (Lounge)?

I've noticed that many sites like this one have a forum that is a freewheeling lounge where people can talk about whatever they want without the strict rules of the forums. I've been very hesitant to do this for many reasons (reasons I'd prefer not to go into, thanks!).

Anyway... here is a poll..... on the subject. Your vote is appreciated.

Poll analysis.......

UNIX.COM has over 10,000 registered users...... 25 of 10,000 voted for a lounge and this was about 60 percent of the total of 43 votes of people who voted. Overall this is less than .01 (point zero one) percent of the registered users :slight_smile:

The forums already take considerable time to manage... believe me! Plus, we pay for the bandwidth (out of the goodness of our hearts) and hosting with no revenue from annoying commercial ads, banners and pop-ups!!!

So, my tendency is not to create more forums to manage at this time. I'm sure all off you 'old timers' know what I'm mean.... considering people tend to (1) sign-up, (2) register (3) they don't read the rules, (4) don't read the FAQs.... and (5) tend to ask the same questions that are asked time and time again, then (6) vanish.

Just think how much trouble and time consuming a 'free for all coffee shop lounge might be!'

Thanks for participating....... maybe next time? Neo