It's been a long time since I posted about 3D printing, so let me update any (if any) interested beginners who stumble upon these posts with some lesson learned and best practices:
Print from the SD Card
For reasons 3D printer experts can explain better than me, printing directly from the SD card provides much higher quality prints than printing over a USB cable, especially using OctoPrint. The reason seems to be related to buffering and flow control as the GCODE streams from OctoPrint over USB to the printer.
The Death of OctoPrint
The bottom line is that I've totally stopping using OctoPrint and only print from my SD card. The print quality is better.
In addition, the software architecture of OctoPrint is really bad. After writing a few OctoPrint plugins, I realized what a --* OctoPrint is.
Without getting into any specific details; let me just say that I'll soon be deleting OctoPrint from my development machine with glee.
Recalibrate When Changing Filament
One thing I noticed, which seems obvious now, is that each roll of filament has it's on particular quirks and quality.
For the last few months, I have been primarily printing with PLA-Silky
in both Red Copper (low poly vases) and Silver-Gray (low poly vases and bathroom fixtures). Two rolls of PLA from the same manufactures print differently. So, it's always best to calibrate when changing filament.
Rafts Waste Time and Material
Don't get me wrong, I like printing on rafts. Printing on rafts result in beautiful "print plate" finishes compared to printing directly on the build plate.
However, rafts take time to print and use a lot of plastic; so I now avoid them unless I need the "extra beauty" on the side of the model which attaches to the build plate.
3D Printing Has Become Routine
Before, I was very excited about 3D printing; but now it it become "just another tool" like any other tool or device. I'm no more excited about 3D printing now that I am about my orbital sander or cordless drill. Designing and printing models as required has become routine. The thrill is gone. If I had to choose between my microwave oven and my 3D printer, I would toss out the microwave. I use my 3D printer, routinely, more than my microwave. Not sure my wife would agree!
3D Printing Is Overhyped
I've stopped watching YT videos on 3D printing. The "big names" on YT all eventually become controlled by their sponsors. Money rules all channels once they get the attention of sponsors. I've moved on.
The Bottom Line
3D printing has become routine. It's not boring anymore than using my power tools are boring. We create models and print them as we need them. We print beautiful, shiny low poly vases and give them away as gifts. We create functional parts as required when we cannot buy them easily, quickly and cheaply. We design and print models for friends when they need a helping hand.
People in my area seem amazed I even have 3D printer. It's funny. For me, 3D printing is just another tool in the toolbox; but for most people I meet, 3D printing still a kind of mystery. Five months after assembling my printer, the trill is gone; but I would definitely buy another one if this one become unusable or obsolete.
The thrill has gone away
Definitely should improve my Fusion 360 modeling skills (which are very crude and basic)... maybe .... someday.