Favourite Games console

So what is everyones all time favourite games console and why do you like it?

(Please - no comments on why they are better than others as that would be opinion based and cause arguments, positive comments only)

I'll break the ice. Xbox 360 because of all the games, the picture and the online community.

Sega Genesis. Lost interest in consoles after that

Sega Master System/Mega Drive/Saturn

Atari 2600 and MB Vectrex! :slight_smile:

My father bought me at first an Atari a Family Entertainment System ( A Clone of Master System and NES ) then I bought myself Sega Mega Drive , NES , SNES , N64, Playstation 1, 2 and 3.
I love Sega Mega Drive and 2D Video Games
My first direct exposure to computing was through gaming and video consoles
I lost interest in consoles and gaming , It's very rare nowadays when I play.

I can't stand modern first-person shooters. I'm so inept at them. Some friends cajoled me into playing Halo for a while and it was just embarrassing. That, and so many of them seem to be 'stumbling around in the dark' simulators.

Perspectives other than first person seem to be okay-ish.

PC all the way through, since most consoles have way to insensitive controllers. Besides, for most strategy games you need about 20 more keys than the average console provides.

Amiga for me - getting very nostalgic feelings when thinking back at it ... and it was 'almost a real computer' :slight_smile:

I have never played with a game console so far :smiley:

Do games on mobile phones count as a games console?

I suppose so yes, on the wikipedia list the nokia N-Gage is listed as a games console.

Agreed.. added as an option to the poll...

I see lots of people on subways, trains, buses, etc. playing games on their mobiles

I'm surprised you notice them doing this if your so busy playing on your own :wink:

I vote for Sega Master System/Mega Drive/Saturn..

Wow, lots of sega playing folks here :slight_smile: Must be just the right age distribution.

Gee, so hard to choose... :smiley:

Yes it seems to be . Too bad Sega now is out of the field in home gaming consoles industry after the epic fall of Dream Cast and Saturn .
But I still in love with Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis.
Reminded me with my early days of childhood.

They still make games, just not for their own consoles.

Though reputedly a lot of them are junk.

I meant gaming consoles for home users, I already know that they are still producing video games .

Yes I totally agree with you most of them are junks.