ESP32 (ESP-WROOM-32) as an MQTT Client Subscribed to Linux Server Load Average Messages

Here we go....


..... so in a galaxy far, far, far away from commercial, data sharing corporations.....

For this project, I used the ESP-WROOM-32 as an MQTT (publish / subscribe) client which receives Linux server "load averages" as messages published as MQTT pub/sub messages. Here is the Arduino IDE code I wrote for the MQTT client running on the ESP32:

 *  ESP32 (ESP-WROOM-32) MQTT Client Test  v0.1
 *  The ESP32 subscribes to MQTT messages from an MQTT server
 *  published by a Linux server. In this example, server load 
 *  average messages.  The MQTT server requires username and password
 *  for basic authentication security.
 *  Neo  v0.1  2 Feb 2020
 *  You are free to use this code anyway imaginable
 *  for your ESP32 MQTT projects.

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#define BAUD_RATE 115200
#define DEBUG false
const char *ssid = "YOUR_WIFI_SSID";
const char *password = "YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD";
const char *mqttServer = "YOUR_MQTT_SERVER";
const int mqttPort = 1883;                      // YOUR_MQTT_PORT
const char *mqttUser = "YOUR_MQTT_SERVER_USER"; // Basic user and password authentication
const char *mqttPassword = YOUR_MQTT_SERVER_USER_PASSWORD "; // Basic user and password authentication
    const int lengthTopic = 16; //required for the if-elseif message decoding based on topic
WiFiClient espClient;
PubSubClient client(espClient);

// The code below is self documenting, I think

void callback(char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned int length)
    float loadvar, loadvar0, loadvar5, loadvar15;
    if (DEBUG)
        Serial.print("Message arrived in topic: ");
        Serial.print("Message: ");
    String w;
    String receivedTopic = String(topic);
    if (DEBUG)
        int len = receivedTopic.length();
        Serial.print("Length :");
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        w = w + String((char)payload);

    if (receivedTopic.indexOf("loads/l1") > 0 and receivedTopic.length() < lengthTopic)
        loadvar0 = w.toFloat();
        Serial.printf("LOAD  1 ... %s \n", w);
    else if (receivedTopic.indexOf("loads/l5") > 0 and receivedTopic.length() < lengthTopic)
        loadvar0 = w.toFloat();
        Serial.printf("LOAD  5 ... %s \n", w);
    else if (receivedTopic.indexOf("loads/l15") > 0)
        loadvar0 = w.toFloat();
        Serial.printf("LOAD 15 ... %s \n", w);
        loadvar = w.toFloat();
        Serial.printf("Message: %s \n", w);

    if (DEBUG)

void setup()

    WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

    while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
        Serial.printf("Connecting to WiFi: %s \n", ssid);

    Serial.printf("Connected to the WiFi network: %s \n", ssid);
    client.setServer(mqttServer, mqttPort);

    while (!client.connected())
        Serial.printf("Connecting to MQTT Server: %s:%d\n", mqttServer, mqttPort);

        if (client.connect("ESP32Client", mqttUser, mqttPassword))
            Serial.print("failed with state ");


void loop()

Crontab entry on Linux:

* * * * * /usr/bin/nice -n 19 php /usr/local/bin/loads_mqtt.php > /dev/null 2>&1 

Here is the crontab PHP file which publishes the server load average messages:

 * Linux PHP Script to Publish Server Load Averges v0.1
 * Simple Script using MQTT to publish messages used
 * in ESP32 test.
 * Neo 2 Feb 2020
 * You are free to use this as you find useful.

$load = shell_exec('cat /proc/loadavg');
$pieces = explode(" ", $load);
define('SEND_TEXT', false);

if (SEND_TEXT) {
    $l1 = "LOAD 1: " . $pieces[0];
    $l5 = "LOAD 5: " . $pieces[1];
    $l15 = "LOAD 15: " . $pieces[2];
} else {
    $l1 = $pieces[0];
    $l5 = $pieces[1];
    $l15 = $pieces[2];

$c1 = '/usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t server/loads/l1 -m "' . $l1 . '" -q 1 -u YOUR_USER -P YOUR_USER_PASSWORD';
$c2 = '/usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t server/loads/l5 -m "' . $l5 . '" -q 1 -u YOUR_USER -P YOUR_USER_PASSWORD';
$c3 = '/usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -t server/loads/l15 -m "' . $l15 . '" -q 1 -u YOUR_USER -P YOUR_USER_PASSWORD';
echo $c1 . "\n";
$output = shell_exec($c1);
$output = shell_exec($c2);
$output = shell_exec($c3);

Here is the sample output in the Arduino IDE serial monitor:

16:08:05.726 -> Connecting to WiFi: YOUR_WIFI_SSID
16:08:06.226 -> Connecting to WiFi: YOUR_WIFI_SSID
16:08:06.739 -> Connecting to WiFi: YOUR_WIFI_SSID
16:08:07.244 -> Connecting to WiFi: YOUR_WIFI_SSID
16:08:07.724 -> Connecting to WiFi: YOUR_WIFI_SSID
16:08:08.226 -> Connecting to WiFi: YOUR_WIFI_SSID
16:08:08.226 -> Connected to the WiFi network: TIM_WIFI 
16:08:08.263 -> Connecting to MQTT Server:
16:08:09.826 -> connected
16:09:02.238 -> LOAD  1 ... 1.31 
16:09:03.162 -> LOAD  5 ... 3.74 
16:09:04.189 -> LOAD 15 ... 3.78 
16:10:02.252 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.96 
16:10:03.262 -> LOAD  5 ... 3.20 
16:10:04.211 -> LOAD 15 ... 3.59 
16:11:04.808 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.99 
16:11:04.808 -> LOAD  5 ... 2.80 
16:11:04.808 -> LOAD 15 ... 3.42 
16:12:09.545 -> LOAD  1 ... 1.01 
16:12:09.545 -> LOAD  5 ... 2.47 
16:12:09.545 -> LOAD 15 ... 3.27 
16:13:12.122 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.89 
16:13:12.122 -> LOAD  5 ... 2.18 
16:13:12.122 -> LOAD 15 ... 3.12 
16:14:02.504 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.90 
16:14:02.689 -> LOAD  5 ... 1.95 
16:14:04.953 -> LOAD 15 ... 2.98 
16:15:08.289 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.71 
16:15:08.289 -> LOAD  5 ... 1.71 
16:15:08.289 -> LOAD 15 ... 2.83 
16:16:05.209 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.48 
16:16:05.209 -> LOAD  5 ... 1.47 
16:16:05.209 -> LOAD 15 ... 2.68 
16:17:11.766 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.43 
16:17:11.766 -> LOAD  5 ... 1.27 
16:17:11.766 -> LOAD 15 ... 2.53 
16:18:01.881 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.41 
16:18:02.928 -> LOAD  5 ... 1.11 
16:18:07.767 -> LOAD 15 ... 2.39 
16:19:13.309 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.41 
16:19:13.309 -> LOAD  5 ... 0.98 
16:19:13.309 -> LOAD 15 ... 2.27 
16:20:05.301 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.69 
16:20:05.301 -> LOAD  5 ... 0.98 
16:20:05.301 -> LOAD 15 ... 2.18 
16:21:05.305 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.78 
16:21:05.305 -> LOAD  5 ... 0.95 
16:21:05.305 -> LOAD 15 ... 2.10 
16:22:02.641 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.69 
16:22:02.853 -> LOAD  5 ... 0.91 
16:22:03.877 -> LOAD 15 ... 2.01 
16:23:07.344 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.90 
16:23:07.344 -> LOAD  5 ... 0.94 
16:23:07.344 -> LOAD 15 ... 1.95 
16:24:01.310 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.70 
16:24:02.331 -> LOAD  5 ... 0.87 
16:24:03.306 -> LOAD 15 ... 1.87 
16:25:01.924 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.66 
16:25:02.765 -> LOAD  5 ... 0.81 
16:25:03.785 -> LOAD 15 ... 1.78 
16:26:09.173 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.69 
16:26:09.173 -> LOAD  5 ... 0.80 
16:26:09.173 -> LOAD 15 ... 1.72 
16:27:01.644 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.71 
16:27:04.816 -> LOAD  5 ... 0.79 
16:27:04.816 -> LOAD 15 ... 1.65 
16:28:04.723 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.90 
16:28:04.723 -> LOAD  5 ... 0.82 
16:28:04.723 -> LOAD 15 ... 1.60 
16:29:08.297 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.89 
16:29:08.297 -> LOAD  5 ... 0.82 
16:29:08.297 -> LOAD 15 ... 1.55 
16:30:02.891 -> LOAD  1 ... 0.61 
16:30:02.891 -> LOAD  5 ... 0.75 
16:30:03.875 -> LOAD 15 ... 1.48 

So far, no joy in finding a good IOS app for the iPhone to display this data in a nice dashboard.

I did find an OK "MQTT Terminal App" for the iPhone and I did confirm I can subscribe to these messages with MQTT on the iPhone. Unfortunately, all the "pretty dashboard apps for MQTT" I tried in the app store has some problems and none worked well "out of the box". However, the simple MQTT terminal apps work fine (but are not "pretty")

The MQTT terminal app I tested, which managed to work, does not add line breaks at the end of a message, and when I tried to send line breaks over MQTT, the clients stopped receiving the messages, which is expected since these pub/sub client/servers are not really meant for formatted data. Maybe I'm missing something small?

Also refer to:

Install MQTT Broker on Ubuntu 18.04 & 14.04

to install the MQTT broker on Ubuntu...

I'm still searching for a "pretty dashboard" app for IOS which will display the MQTT data, but so far, nothing has worked well.

Will update this thread if I find an MQTT dashboard app for IOS which "works" OK :slight_smile:

Here is an IOS app which is a kind of "debugger" for MQTT messages; and works "OK, more or less" to prove things are working; but it is very far from a "pretty" dashboard app:

MQTTool for IOS

Still on the hunt for a "pretty" dashboard app. I could not get IOT-ON-OFF to work (will not receive any messages), even thought it did look promising!

Well, it's not really "pretty" yet (as a dashboard) but MQTTool for IOS works, "not bad"... and it's totally free.

I changed the PHP script around a bit to publish all the "Load Averages" (in one message) and all the "Wuhan Coronavirus Stats" (in one message) and subscribed to both of them. In the "Load Average" app, there is the one, five and fifteen minute server load averages (very handy if managing a server, obviously) and in the "Wuhan" app, there are the C (confirmed cases), the S (suspected cases), the D (deaths) and R (recovered cases). You can easily start to image the myriad way to use MQTT for you own private "things" network from this short tutorial, I think.

BTW, I am still searching for a good "dashboard" app for MQTT (for either IOS or macOS), but no joy yet.

When you think about it. MQTT is "the only way to go" if you are developing these kinds of private "IoT" app, every devices can be both a publisher and a subscribe, and if you run your own private MQTT server, you do not have to worry about a third parties mining your data.

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After a lot of "messing around" with every combination of settings under the sun, I finally got the IOT-ON-OFF IOS Dashboard app working. Success. It's not a "pretty" as Blynk, but in many ways it is much better. For example we can easily switch between dashboards (see image below) and we don't have to pay for "widgets" foreach new app; and with a one time, very small purchase, we can get UNLIMITED widgets and dashboards. Here are some samples from my two previous mini-apps, (1) Wuhan Coronavirus Status and (2) Server Load Averages, all done with MQTT.

It's really quite remarkable if you think about it. I've built these two apps from scratch in two days, and that included wasting a lot of time evaluating and bumping heads with Blynk yesterday (and the headaches that caused).

Later I will summarize my notes on the "tricks" to get the IOT-ON-OFF app working so you don't have to waste your time fiddling around with all the settings. This iPhone dashboard app is not really "super polished" but it's not bad at all.





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By the way, I just purchased IoT-OnOff from the Apple app sure, the premium version with unlimited widgets for $2.99 USD. Compare that to Blynk who needed about $1.99 to add only one additional widget!

For everyone who wants a decent MQTT dashboard app with unlimited widgets for about $3 USD, here is the info (however, it is not user friendly to set up, LOL):


Current screen shots of this test project, using only MQTT and the IOS IoT-OnOff app.

Server Dashboard App (Will add more to this later):

Wuhan Corona Virus Stats Tracking App:

MQTT server data on IoT OnOff app (only using MQTT and iPhone and not using any external board for this);