Escape and command substitution in scripting

I have one question in shell script for escape "\" with command substitution "` `". I post there to seek help to understand how it works.

My original one piece of code in script like this: This piece of code in whole script is working without errors

chk_mode=`sqlplus -s /nolog<<EOF
connect / as sysdba
set pagesize 0 feedback off heading off
select open_mode from v\\\$database;

Usually if I want to escape $ sign from v$database, I should use "v\$database". Why is this piece of code using 3 backslash as v\\\$database? Is this because the backslash is in command substitution(backtick)? I tested in command line: only v\$database works, v\\\$database is not working. My Unix server is solaris 11.3 and SHELL is bash.

Please help me to understand why using 3 backslashes as escape. Thanks for your advice.

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Yes it is because the command is backticks. This is one of the reasons to avoid using this deprecated form of command substitution. The preferred command substitution method uses $( ... ) .

Try this instead:

chk_mode=$(sqlplus -s /nolog<<EOF
connect / as sysdba
set pagesize 0 feedback off heading off
select open_mode from v\$database;
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Did you consider - if no other expansion needs to be done within the here document - to switch off expansion therein (from man bash ):



Thank you so much for your advice. You helped me to understand this.