Error in ksh script: missing right bracket

I have no idea how to write ksh script, but i'm really in need of help with this. I using fedora 30 and in attempt of runnig attached script i getting those errors, i solved first error by removing excess bracket, but i do not know what should i do with other. Pls sorry for trash post.

Your attachment is really "hard on the eyes" and difficult to read.

Please cut-and-paste your code in your reply, wrapping your reply in code tags.



if [ ! -x "$1" ];
	echo "Usage: sudo $0 <path-to-ug_install-script>"
	echo "for example: sudo $0 /tmp/SIEMENS/nx100/ug_install"
	exit 0

echo Bypassing Siemens PLM NX Linux distro check....
echo by TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ

mkdir /tmp/bin

cat <<EOF > /tmp/bin/grep

if [ -x /bin/grep ];

if [ -x /usr/bin/grep ];

if [ ! -z \`echo \${1+"\$@"} | \$GREP_PATH -ioe "/proc/version"\` ] && [ ! -z "\`echo \${1+"\$@"} | \$GREP_PATH -ioe "RED HAT"\`" ];
	exit 0

\$GREP_PATH \${1+"\$@"}<&0

chmod +x /tmp/bin/grep
PATH=/tmp/bin:$PATH "$1"

echo "Setup Ended: $RES"
rm -rf /tmp/bin

exit 0

And (see attachment) that's the errors i got...

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This first thing I noticed was that your script starts off:


but the title of your post has the words "Error in ksh script:"

Are you planning / hoping / wanting / needing to write a ksh or sh script?

Generally it makes a difference...... ksh and sh are not the same species of shell fish....

Oh, sorry, I really do not really understand this, I just need to fix the error in this script to install some software. I think I'll learn how to work with shell scripting later, now i just don't have time for this

That is one truly bizarre statement.

If you really don't understand shell scripting WHY attempt to do a so-called fix.
Neo has given you a starter so let me make it a little clearer change/edit the first line #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/ksh and see if that matches your requirement.
As for learning it later, if you haven't got time now you will never have the time in the future...

Also check line 40 the 'PATH's are correct and concatenated correctly...

Yeah, i know, i'm already apologized for that trash post. It's actually not my script, but i'm really need that script fixed for software that i need for study. So u have no idea why does the error appear?

Looks like /tmp/nx_inst/nx100/ug_inst aborts and dumps core, when it is called as "$1" in line 40. Does it run correctly on its own?

Your error report says that, AT, line 40, there is something wrong with:
PATH=/tmp/bin:$PATH "$1"
Not knowing ANYTHING about the installer nor its aborted error 9666 then we have to guess.
is $1 an absolute PATH or is it an absolute PATH containing an executable from inside line 6:
IF EITHER how does the said absolute PATH get created.