Edit ID column to contain specific text using awk command without editing the rest of the content

I have a vcf file. I need to update the ID column in my vcf file. This is how my vcf file look like: enter image description here

0797 NA20798 NA20799 NA20800 NA20801 NA20802 NA20803 NA20804 NA20805 NA20806 NA20807 NA20808 NA20809 NA20810 NA20811 NA20812 NA20813 NA20814 NA20815 NA20816 NA20819 NA20826 NA20828

chr22 16050408 . T C 100 PASS AA=.;AC=134;AF=0.06;AFR_AF=0.1;AMR_AF=0.05;AN=2184;ASN_AF=0.04;AVGPOST=0.9799;DAF_GLOBAL=.;ERATE=0.0046;EUR_AF=0.06;GERP=.;LDAF=0.0649;RSQ=0.8652;SNPSOURCE=LOWCOV;THETA=0.0149;VT=SNP;ANNOTATION_CLASS=ACTIVE_CHROM;CELL=GM12878;CHROM_STATE=13 GT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0|0 0|1 0|1 0|0 0|1 0|1 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|1 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|1 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|1 0|1 0|1 0|0 0|0 0|1 0|1 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|1 0|1 0|0 0|0 0|1 0|0 0|1 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|1 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|1 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|1 0|1 0|1 0|0 0|1 0|1 0|1 0|1 0|1 0|0 0|1 0|1 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|1 0|0 0|1 0|1 0|1 0|1 0|1 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0

Now I want to update the ID column which is represented as "." by chr22_16050408_T_C_b37 so each ID column in my vcf file should look like chr{no.}_position_refallele_altallele_b37.
So, earlier the ID column is .
Now I want to update it with:

chrr22_16050408 _T_C_b37

I tried to use the following command but its now giving me the answer.

awk 'NR>1 {print $1""$2""$3""$4"_b37"}' file1.txt

This is either homework or multiple accounts asking the same question.

I am pretty sure all moderators can see in the user's profile their IP addresses:

It should be somewhat obvious (by the nature of the question) this is homework without looking at the IP addresses, but since mods can easily check the IP addresses, please do so,
