Do You Work From Home?

Do you work from home (telecommute) more than half time each week?

Oh no! If I'm on call, I work from home, but that is like once every two-three months.

I work from home only on Saturday.

My boss considers this idea crazy!

Definitely not!

And there is one famous quote that circulates here.

" If your deadlines are so near and above to run off your head, then Work From Home. " :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

I don't telecommute, but I do work from home. Since I travel quite a bit I am equiped to work remotely, but choose not to do so most of the time.

Can you telecommute if you are not an employee?
I work from home, and only see my clients when face to face contact is required, or some piece of equipment needs to be gently touched with a big hammer.

Not really according to my understanding. Telecommuting implies that there is also a physical office in a different location in which other employees are located, and which is your companys base of operations.

I do not work from home.
The company has the policy for employees only -- I am a consultant.
Even if I had the option, I rather come to the office -- personal choice.

I wish i could work from home :frowning:

I work from home when there is off-hours maintenance to be done. Also when the weather demands (living in MN that can be several days each winter) or if I need to be there for stuff like appliance repairman, to recieve a delivery, etc.

When my projects involve lots of off hours work on production boxes it can be up to 1/3 working from home, but typically it is more like 5-10%

Home at least 3 days a week, depending on client meetings or specific on-site requirements for pen-testing or information discovery with tech teams. Other than that I work from my home office (converted garage) writing security policies, build baselines etc. I also spend what would be a 3 hour round-trip commute time working and getting much more done. But the music is loud, the kettle is nearby to keep the coffee flowing and combat trousers are my work wear! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: happiest at work I've been in years.

I would LOVE to work from home. It's amazing how much reluctance to it there still is after all these years.

Of course, when on call I am permitted to work from home... because of the timely response...

Wish i could work from home, i think once i get unix Sa status i will be in a better position with bein oncall .

H O M E .... hmmm, don't know if i still have one :rolleyes:


Up until last year, I worked from home about 75% of the time. The remaining 25% was spent working internationally at various client sites. I now work at only local client sites and have a better work/life/family balance.

I work from home maybe 1 or 2 days per fortnight. My work environment is very flexible, and I can achieve exactly the same output at home as being in the office (as long as I have access to ssh, a browser and email).

We are allowed to work from home occaisionally for various reasons but we need to formally arrange to telecommute on an ongoing permanent basis. We are on call 24x7 but have very few callins. Our off hours maintenance is mostly performed remotely once a month on a scheduled basis.

I telecommuted for a year or so when my son was younger, but I felt like I was out of touch with what was happening at the office.

My current organization does not allow to work from home, but I want to work on after office hours....even on SAT & SUN. But...............
