Discourse: Change our Default Home Page View?

The default home page view can be set in everyone user preferences.

I am thinking to change our default home page view to this view (categories + recent topics):

It is currently set to this view (latest topics)

Does anyone have any feelings one way or the other?

I thought is that the view with the categories + latest topics is better for new users and visitors; and registered users who prefer a different view (this the latest topics only view) can easily set it in their user preferences under the "interface" page:

I just noticed that the "categories + latest posts" landing page only looks "good" on the desktop.

For mobile, it is not nice; and so for mobile the "latest topics" landing page looks the best.

There is no option in Discourse to set this based on mobile or desktop; so I will put this on my long-term TODO list to write a plugin to take care of this issue.

@vbe, if you have time, please search the Discourse plugin directory and see if this plugin has already been written.

Of any interest?

Hi @vbe,

Frankly, I'm only interested in that plugin if it permits us to have a different default landing page for mobile versus desktop.

I'm not a huge fan of that Custom Layouts Plugin but if it can do exactly what we need in terms of having everything the same as it is now but a different landing page for mobile v. desktop, we can certainly give it a try.

The issue on my end is that I'm totally busy with family and work projects; and prefer not to install and configure that plugin unless it can do what we want it do it.

What do you think?

I don't know... I looked a bit more ahead and followed the guy's link to his company to see it in vivo, my opinion is, it could, but at a cost of redesign the whole layout, in order to have a custom layout for mobile, with a totally different approach as you would have a side bar layout... So not convinced as mobile screens are more high then large

So far I haven't found anything except maybe something that needs this plugin to work, so did not more in detail as it was also 4 years old...

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thanks so much @vbe

Let’s pass on that plug-in for now then.

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