The Discourse Meta business model is to increase their profits by encouraging all admins to move to their hosting services.
Hence, complexity, errors and other issues support their business model; all of which is easily understood by reading the replies over there.
That's the entire point. If it's complex and not really supported well for non-hosted customers, then that fits into their business model.
And if you post over there and make them uncomfortable because you do not need their (often nonsense) support, then they ban or silence you.
It's just business.... their business.
If I knew now what I knew then when we migrated to Discourse, I would not have migrated to Discourse, sure.
The Discourse SPA is not "search engine friendly" and Discourse considers the non-hosted users as "beta testers" for the most part, not real customers.
It's not a problem. We simply made a mistake migrating to Discourse. We should have migrated to a different forum, in retrospect.
I made a mistake selecting Discourse as our migration strategy. I did not realize at the time their business model was to find ways to get sys admins to migrate to their paid hosting services.
My bad.
I have started to consider migrating the legacy / original forums to another forum software and am open to suggestions, BTW.
Then, if that goes well, migrate this forum off Discourse.
I will never forget the total fiasco when Discourse migrated to PG13. That was perhaps the biggest DB migration disaster I have ever witnessed.