Detect active usb device used by app

I've searched a number of sites but thought I'd post it here. I'm want to a detect certain usb device (external camera) that is actively being used by an app on a mac.
My search has led me through looking at the system events log to see if there is a ProductID indicator logged. The device is plugged into the same so researching on how to check any output from the port.
Anyone thoughts on additional ways to tackle this? am i in the right place> appreciate any feedback

So for I have a bash script that detects the usb devices on a mac

# USB Devices detected 
log "List of USB Devices " 
log ""
USB=`ioreg -p IOUSB -w0 | sed 's/[^o]*o //; s/@.*$//' | grep -v '^Root.*'`
log "$USB"

The following usb devices detected and written to a log file:

AppleUSBEHCI Root Hub Simulation
Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
IR Receiver
BRCM20702 Hub
Bluetooth USB Host Controller
Keyboard Hub
Apple Keyboard
AppleUSBXHCI Root Hub Simulation

You can get this information with the macOS command:


See summary man page here:

root#  system_profiler -usage
Usage: system_profiler [-listDataTypes]
       system_profiler [-xml] [-timeout n] [-detailLevel n]
       system_profiler [-xml] [-timeout n] [dataType1 ... dataTypeN]

  -detailLevel n    specifies the level of detail for the report
                      mini = short report (contains no identifying or personal information)
                      basic = basic hardware and network information
                      full = all available information

  -listDataTypes    lists all the available datatypes

  -xml              generates xml output instead of plain text
                    if redirected to a file with the extension ".spx"
                    the file can be opened in System

  -timeout          specifies the maximum time to spend gathering information
                    the default is 180 seconds, 0 means no timeout

  Redirect stderr to /dev/null to suppress progress and error messages.


     Generates a text report with the standard detail level.

  system_profiler -detailLevel mini
     Generates a short report without identifying/personal information.

  system_profiler -listDataTypes
     Shows a list of the available data types.

  system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType SPNetworkDataType
     Generates a text report containing only software and network data.

  system_profiler -xml >MySystem.spx
     Creates a XML file which can be opened by System

Neo, thanks :b: for the info. This really will save me plenty of time and help with monitoring some usb devices. It help me to know if external device is no longer active