Delete duplicates via script?

i have the following problem:
there are two folders with a lot of files.
FolderA contains AAA, BBB, CCC
FolderB contains DDD, EEE, AAA

How can i via script identify AAA as duplicate in Folder B and delete it there? So that only DDD and EEE remain, in Folder B?

Thank you in advance for looking into this.

No two files with same name can be in the same folder.

that is why they are in Folder A and Folder B, as i wrote :wink:

which env? Is the diff command in your system support to diff folder?

when i enter "diff" at the command line, it is recognized as command. I am using ubuntu, if this is any useful information :wink:

The aim is to keep the files each in their folders, but just delete in B those which already exist in A

vr=$(ls /path/to/FolderA)
for fl1 in ${vr};do
    echo "${fl1}"

vr2=$(ls /path/to/FolderB)
for fl2 in ${vr2};do
    echo "${fl2}"

Now make two arrays to save the result and compare those two arrays.
If there is any match then remove those files.

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in ubuntu, you should be able to diff the folder directly.

diff /path/to/FolderA /path/to/FolderB
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ok, thank you, i will try the Diff.. the array option would mean still i have to compare manually if i read it right, which is futile because it is >10K files

#!/usr/bin/env ruby  -w

require 'fileutils'
Dir["./A/*"].each do |d|
  name=File.basename(d) if
  if File.exists?("B/"+name)
    print "#{name} exists in #{"B/"+name}\n"
    print "Deleting %s\n" % name
    FileUtils.rm_r(d, :force => true)

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Ah, that works too, kurumi, thank you :wink:

for i in FolderA;do
  ls ${i}/* | while read file;do
    tfile=`basename $file`
    if [ -f FolderB/${tfile} ];then
      rm FolderB/${tfile}
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while read file
do rm -f FolderB/$file
done < <(ls FolderA)

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Note: that is bash code, not shell code.

According to Wikipedia :smiley:

I think any (command line style) scripting code that is designed to work in shell is "shell code" isn't it?

OK, maybe I should have said: That is bash shell code, not POSIX compliant shell code, so it will only work in bash or maybe ksh93. :slight_smile:

---------- Post updated at 10:22 ---------- Previous update was at 10:12 ----------

for i in FolderA/*
  rm -f "FolderB${i#FolderA}" 2>/dev/null
ls FolderA |
while read file
  rm -f "FolderB/$file" 2>/dev/null

There's a also slight difference in the meaning of "shell code" in computer security. In computer security, a shellcode is a small piece of code used as the payload in the exploitation of a software vulnerability (as defined by Wikipedia). Its not to be confused with "shell scripting code". :slight_smile:

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you all have been of great help. Thank you so very much!