CPAN Networking Issue

Hi all,
I have a wierd problem, I have a Solaris 11.3 server which is connected to the internet and if I run

perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Simple'

it goes off, downloads it's list of sites and installs the module and it's dependencies great.

Then I have a zone that uses the same internet connection, same dns etc. and if I run the above I get this:

Would you like me to automatically choose the best CPAN mirror
sites for you? (This means connecting to the Internet and could
take a couple minutes) [yes]

Trying to fetch a mirror list from the Internet
  LWP not available
  LWP not available
Fetching with Net::FTP:
  Could not connect to host '' with Net::FTP
Fetching with Net::FTP
  Could not connect to host '' with Net::FTP
Warning: no success downloading '/root/.cpan/sources/MIRRORED.BY.tmp30246'. Giving up on it.
No external ftp command available

  LWP not available
Warning: no success downloading '/root/.cpan/sources/MIRRORED.BY.tmp30246'. Giving up on it.
  LWP not available
Fetching with Net::FTP:
  Could not connect to host '' with Net::FTP
Fetching with Net::FTP
  Could not connect to host '' with Net::FTP
Warning: no success downloading '/root/.cpan/sources/MIRRORED.BY.tmp30246'. Giving up on it.
No external ftp command available

Your urllist is empty! The urllist can be edited. E.g. with 'o conf urllist
push ftp://myurl/'

Could not fetch MIRRORED.BY
We failed to get a copy of the mirror list from the Internet.
You will need to provide CPAN mirror URLs yourself.

Now you can enter your own CPAN URLs by hand. A local CPAN mirror can be
listed using a 'file:' URL like 'file:///path/to/cpan/' needs at least one URL where it can fetch CPAN files from.

Please enter your CPAN site: []

no idea why it is not working, any help would be appreciated




Your error message indicated that you may have a networking issue.

Did you confirm your host (giving you the issue) can reach the CPAN URL requested?

Hi Neo,
Any ideas how I can just try and get to it, it does name resolution but did try a normal ftp but don't think this worked. It is a zone, so not done a huge amount of networking with zones.

Any help greatly appreciated



This is your error, @callmebob

You need to resolve this; isn't that right?

Resolved it thanks NEO. I hadn't done a svcadm refresh name-service/switch so /etc/nsswitch.conf was not populated. I could resolve IP's but not names and it was doing DNS resolution.

Not liking this confiure DNS through the SMF on Solaris 11


Great to hear you are on to the next step.

Thank you for posting back and letting us know, @callmebob

No problem, thank you for your help