Copy local files to single remote host but multiple folders using rsync

I'm trying to copy a file myfile.scr from my local Linux server to multiple folders on remote AiX server using single rsync command.

Below command helps me copy the file " myfile.scr " from my localhost to a remote host folder " /app/deployment/tmpfiles "

rsync --delay-updates -F --compress --chmod=755 "--rsh=/usr/bin/ssh -S none -i /app/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" "--out-format=<<CHANGED>>%i %n%L" "/app/deployment/tmpfiles/myile.scr" "user2@remotehost":"/fin/cust/scripts/"

Can we tweak this command so that it copies the file " myile.scr " to one more folder " /app/deployment/tmpfiles/BACKUP " on the remote using the same established rsync connection ?

Note: the copied files should NOT preserve its timestamp but should reflect the current timestamp.

No, not to my knowledge.

But you can create a symbolic link from one directory to the other and manage it that way, if that works for you. If not ....

You can write a cron script which checks the directory and when a new file arrives, it copies the new file to another directory.

I would recommend that you create a simple script and run it in a cron file to copy new files from rsync (as you wish) to your second directory.

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