Cool new logo

I saw this on another board, and burst out laughing.

Apparently it's a new logo (may even be a new name) for a clothing line.

Check them out:

funny??? can you explain why?


Me too :eek: the humor escapes me Dave Miller :confused:what is so funny?:o

Rotate the image 90� clockwise and think of it as two people rather than a letter and some dots. :wink:

:smiley: Obviously, I've been hacking the forums too long today :slight_smile:


Maybe it's an American thing.

On the other board, the first thing I posted was "A Style? Looks like D Style to me."

Everyone there got it.

Truth be told, I did not see it at first and there is no chance that I would have detected the dual meaning on my own. But I knew there had to be some reason why you posted it so I studied it intensely until I found it. It only took maybe 45 seconds or so, but I don't do that to every logo I see.

And I don't see "D-style" even now. I see, well, the "legs-on-the-shoulders" style. But the hallmark of great art is that each person is free to interpret the artistic message differently. So if you see "D-style", I respect your intrepretation, as, I am sure, so would the artist.

Maybe the full version would have made it jump out a bit quicker:


as in

Doggie style

Ummm.... I knew what the D stood for. :rolleyes: