Here is a Ruby solution to transform your input data into the desired output format. I did not test it however:
# Input data as a string (you can replace this with reading from a file)
data = <<~DATA value1=10000 value2=20000 value3=30000 value1=00001 value2=01000 value3=02000 value1=20300 value2=20400 value3=20500
# Parse the input
rows = data.split("\n").map { |line| line.split }
# Initialize data structures
headers = []
values = { |hash, key| hash[key] = {} }
# Process each line
rows.each do |key, pair|
# Extract key and value
value_name, value = pair.split("=")
# Collect headers and values
headers << key unless headers.include?(key)
values[value_name][key] = value
# Output the result
puts "- ," + headers.join(",")
values.each do |value_name, entries|
row = { |header| entries[header] || "NA" }
puts "#{value_name}," + row.join(",")
It is fairly obvious that the contents of the heading line needs data from input rows 1, 4 and 7. The contents of the last output row needs data from input rows 3, 6 and 9. So you need to design a solution which reads and stores all the input (in suitable arrays) and then reorders it for output. This is generally called "pivoting".
I'm not sure why you show an Awk attempt, reject a Ruby solution, but ask for a Bash solution. Please clarify your constraints.
# Initialize data structures
d=", " # delimiter
declare -A values
# Read lines from stdin
while read key other
vname=${other%%=*} val=${other#*=}
if [[ "$d$headers$d" != *"$d$key$d"* ]]
done < input.dat
# Print the variables
echo "- $headers"
for vname in "${!values[@]}"
echo "$vname${values[$vname]}"
If you know bash well, and the input file is not too long, then you could do the Print section in one command:
Since you end up having a 2-D association, I do recommend against pure Bash (or any Linux shell), despite being more than a fan of that. Bash is quite powerful, but structured data is a serious weak spot.
You can get quite simple solutions with scripted languages like Python or Ruby, with easy call from your Bash script, as already recommended. I would only change embedding the code for a dedicated file with the Python, Ruby, or whatever, code. Will make everything easier - including linting each language.
Here is a reply from DeepSeek, as we study it's capabilities:
DeepSeek's Reply
To convert the given string data into the desired heading format, you can use awk to process the input and format it accordingly. Here's a step-by-step solution to achieve the expected output:
Solution using awk:
awk '
# Initialize arrays and variables
split("", headers)
split("", values)
header_count = 0
# Extract the IP and value parts
ip = $1
split($2, parts, "=")
key = parts[1]
value = parts[2]
# Store unique IPs as headers
if (!(ip in headers)) {
headers[ip] = ++header_count
header_order[header_count] = ip
# Store values in a 2D array
values[key][headers[ip]] = value
# Print the header row
printf "-"
for (i = 1; i <= header_count; i++) {
printf ", %s", header_order[i]
print ""
# Print the value rows
for (key in values) {
printf "%s", key
for (i = 1; i <= header_count; i++) {
printf ", %s", values[key][i]
print ""
' input.txt
headers array stores the unique IP addresses.
values array stores the values associated with each key (value1, value2, etc.).
header_count keeps track of the number of unique IPs.
Processing Each Line:
Extract the IP address and the key-value pair.
Store unique IPs in the headers array and maintain their order in header_order.
Store the values in the values array, indexed by the key and the IP's position in the headers.
Printing the Output:
Print the header row starting with - followed by the unique IPs.
Print each key followed by its corresponding values for each IP.