Continuation: Help with mounting the new filesystem (from meta)

No errors.

Maybe we check the rails error log?

Let's leave the container, and go here:

cd /var/discourse/shared/standalone/log

and look at the errors there....

this is what pops up

We can see the file sizes easier (and last update times) if you get in the habit of using

ls -l 




haha sorry,


You can just delete for now all the old archives if you want

rm *gz

and maybe look at the other logs (dated today) and see if you can find any clues?

Note: I changed your status to TL2 ("Member") so hopefully you can keep posting and Discourse will not block you as a "new user" anymore. Send me a message if it does and I'll go into the DB and "fix it".... somehow!


Alright thanks, Im looking through the files to see if anything sticks out. Not much just a lot of 200 status codes.

I also went into inspect element to view the network.

For storage stats its coming back as null. Which I really don't know its doing this. This is why I believe when I tried mounting it somehow I ended up messing what was already mounted there up or something along those lines.

We have not made any progress, so far... .LOL... except we learned that a symlink did not work; and we cannot find any clues in the log files.

My bad, I used all your "first day" quota at meta taking you on the "symlink" wild goose chase!

We cannot see any errors except the red box error and that is the only error you see.

Is that right @HeadlessHelper?

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That is true, and its fine. Im glad someone is helping otherwise id just be sitting here in agony lol

Haha.. well, at least you are using the term "helping" in a generous way :slight_smile:

I don't feel like I have helped much, and I am running out of ideas.

Grasping at straws.....

Have you tried rebaking your posts ?

I indeed have tried that haha.

Haha... way ahead of me.... as usual on this!

"Sorry, an error occurred while executing the query"

Google yields this:

which yields this:

exception_error: Sorry, an error occurred while executing the query

so we need to search the app code for this exception, hold on :slight_smile:

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Will do!

Github yields:

Not entirely sure how Ill find the source of the error from that.

Which in turn, yields this:

 {{#if showExceptionError}}
              <div class="alert alert-error report-alert exception">
                {{d-icon "exclamation-triangle"}}
                <span>{{i18n "admin.dashboard.exception_error"}}</span>

Looks about "right".... so this might be a clue.

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Which yields:

Further yielding:

But so far, nothing specific.

Maybe another "neo" wild goose chase? LOL

theres this but its still not releveant to tell me whats causing the issues lol

Futher finding

Well.. maybe and maybe not...

This seems to be an error related to the backups (as you have found), which also jives with the location of your error in the admin panel:

Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 4.02.45 PM

So, I think we need to look at the backups.

What do you think?

Are you OK with that?

Sure, what should I do?