Can someone tell me if this netstat scan looks OK?

I had some hack issues recently, I am on linux mint and have a vpn.
here it is for TCP, I am curious about the 2 local hosts in the scan.

I get these 2 connections in netstat using the t command

tcp 0 0 localhost:60666 localhost:35325 ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 localhost:35325 localhost:60666 ESTABLISHED


Welcome to the forum ! We hope you enjoy your time here, and find this to be a helpful and friendly place.

As it stands, we can't give you a definitive answer about what these connections may be. What that netstat snippet tells us is that you have something running on your local server that is using either port 60666 or 35325 as an unprivileged source port, and is then connecting to some service that is running on the other unprivileged destination port.

A better bet on Linux might be to look at the output of netstat -lntp specifically, as this will show you which ports are in a listening state, and also what processes or services are specifically responsible for those connections. Likewise netstat -ntp will show you the processes or services for all TCP connections, where these are known (or knowable).

Hope this helps !

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OK I just checked it and I thank you, it says my vpn is using that service. I got
paranoid seeing 2 connections at port 60666.

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