Bootstrap Container Hangs on su discourse -c ‘bundle exec rake db:migrate’

We are currently running this recent release:

It's still running in our production container (no issues).

I'm trying to bootstrap based on this release:

I've tried a number of times today, and each time it hangs here:

Checked the logs in the data and the standby app container (we are bootstrapping) and there are no errors, no issues.

Each time I bootstrap, it hangs on this line:

I, [2021-02-11T10:37:25.133098 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && su discourse -c 'bundle exec rake db:migrate'

Any clues where to look to help debug this?

I've looked in all the logs I can think of (in all containers) and cannot find problems.


Additional Info:

Each time it hangs and I control C out of the bootstrap process, it seems to leave a postmaster process, which I can subsequently kill.

Here is an example:


Bootstrap rebuilds fine if I comment out the "db:migrate" line in the web template.

There is some strange issue with "rails db:migrate" hanging with zero errors I have never experienced before.

I wonder if there is an error (or some underlying issue) in this recent migration?

See also:

Just in case my bug report "disappears" (as they often do) over at meta....

See Also:

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