BMC ControlM Scheduling Query

Can I get some help to build the control M schedule sufficing for the below secnario.

Scenario :

  • Step 1 : In one of my hostserver I will be receiving files (for ex: Selection_CRQ12345.txt etc) form MFT and these files can be more than one, and every inout file will have different CRQ number. Hence the filemas will be Selection_CRQ[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].txt.
  • Step 2: There are few jobs like J1,J2,J3 which should get kicked off if file any new file is available and I would like to pass the CRQ number (part of input file) to these jobs as a parameter (i.e. %%CRQ). For ex: , We have got two files in the inbound area i.e. Selection_CRQ12345.txt and Selection_CRQ99999.txt , so I am expecting the J1,J2,J3 should get trigerred twice (one for CRQ=12345 and other run for CRQ=99999).

Maybe try some BMC ControlM video tutorials and classes?\#filter/{"products"%3A"education-products-126375736"}