Block any root Privilege

is there any method (base on kernel) to block adding any root Privilege?
only "root" account allow on system and no one can add new root Privilege, ?


How you you ask such a question without specifying the exact version of Red Hat you are running??

Details matter.

In addition to which operating system you are dealing with (as asked by Neo), can you please tell us what problem you are trying to solve.

The basic concept of any operating system kernel includes security in that, upon a new installation, a single superuser ('root' on Unix/Linux and 'administrator' on Windows) has ultimate control. Unless the superuser "gives away" access rights nobody else can just take them. If rights are given away (e.g. via sudoers file) they can always be rescinded by the superuser. What are you trying to do here?

I agree... these requirements are way too vague and not actionable at all:

Details matter.

The answer to most questions which start with "is there any method .... ?" is yes; but the "method" might require a lot of steps, changes, software, and more. Of course there are "ways" to do things.

Is there any method to "fly to the moon?" Is there any method to "cure cancer?" Is there any method to "restrict root?" Is there any method to "launch a car in orbit around the earth?"

Yes, yes, yet and yes....... but we must do a lot to get there and there are countless details.

The same is true for computer systems.

The answer is probably yes; but from the above, it is not possible to answer without myriad details.

Hey, tx from your reply
mmm it dosend matter, i think this FEATURE is base on kernel,
any way, im talking about centos 7