Best Linux desktop distro

I hate the fact that my first post is this. Anyhow, I've been using Linux distros such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, openSUSE, and a few others for quite some time now. I've never had a problem with any distro, thus saying that they were all good in my opinion. I've been reading a lot on different distros but can't seem to come to a conclusion on what I'll use on my desktop; I already plan to dual boot "this future" Linux distro with OpenBSD (I'm a fan of the BSD series, too). I've picked out what I'll use on everything else.

>Fedora on netbook
>Red Hat Enterprise Linux on server
>Dual boot my 'future' Linux distro with OpenBSD on desktop

With all that said, I'm asking "What Linux distro is the best to run on a desktop?" Once you think of what distro is best, I would LOVE a reason as to why it's the best.
Also, my intentions are: hacking (it needs to be secure), programming (I already know almost all Linux distros come with GCC) and it just simply needs to be an all-around good OS.

Please note: I'm not new to Linux; give me what distro you think is simply the best of the best.
Thanks in advance

Ubuntu is great for new users, extremely friendly.

What linux distro is best really depends on what you want from it.

Ubuntu is also great for experienced users. Having many years of UNIX and Linux experience, I have migrated to Ubuntu.

See this user poll, What is Your Favorite Linux Distro? to get a feel for what people are using.

There is no "best" distribution.